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Good Academic Practice

Good Academic Practice at the UdK Berlin

The fundamental principle of academic work is honesty to oneself and others. This also forms the ethical standard and basis for the various policies on academic professionalism across disciplines. A core mission of the university is to impart these fundamental principles to the students and academic staff. While the digital revolution has simplified plagiarism, so too has it become easier to uncover it. Scientific misconduct ranges from full plagiarism and intentional falsification of data to publications that have in part been identified as unscientific or scientifically unethical and therefore an item of discussion within the academic community. These grey areas are evidence that the indispensable requirements for academic work are not completely straightforward. For this reason, it is essential to consider cultures specific to each field when formulating principles for good academic practice that are to apply to all academic disciplines and be authoritative for all qualification work undertaken at the university. Academic misconduct hurts not only the reputation of the perpetrator but damages that of the university and academia as a whole.

Based on Section 61 (2) No. 7 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz - BerlHG) of July 26, 2011 (GVBl. p. 378), last amended on March 23, 2023 (GVBl. p. 121), the Academic Senate of Berlin University of the Arts adopted the following statutes on August 9, 2023: PDF



The local ombudsman, appointed in accordance with the requirements of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) is your first point of contact at a university for questions relating to good academic practice or a suspected case of academic misconduct.
At the UdK Berlin, the ombudsman is Prof. Dr. Barbara Wittmann ( and her deputy is Prof. Dr. Michael Häfner (m.haefner_