Grad Offen
The scholars of the Graduate School at the UdK will be presenting their projects to the public. In the evening of the 14th of December Ketan Bhatti, Anke Eckhardt, Echo Ho, Valentina Karga, Eva Könneman, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Judith Raum, Gray Schultz, Vanessa Stern, Pedro Stoitchita and Loudmila Voropai will be giving insight into their work and be available for questions.
The event will be opened by Prof. Martin Rennert, President of the UdK Berlin. The award »Ausgewählter Ort im Land der Ideen 2011« will be given to the GraduateSchool of the Arts and Sciences during the evening.
Wednesday, December 14th 2011, 5 p.m.
Alte Bibliothek UdK, University of the Arts
Hardenbergstrasse 33, Raum 101
Entrance free