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Salon für Ästhetische Experimente: Tanja Ostojić and Stefan Hayn

Salon für Ästhetische Experimente: Tanja Ostojić and Stefan Hayn

Program of the evening includes:

  • Introduction to the art Art&Economics group, quarterly report and moderation by Tanja Ostojic
  • Film screening by Stefan Hayn
  • Discussion
  • Auction of the special edition of the Art bonds designed by the guest of the evening Stefan Hayn

Don’t miss it!
The after party will be at the Cafe Buchhandlung, Tucholskystraße 32, 10117 Berlin Mitte

The Art & Economics Group, established in Berlin in 2007 by Tanja Ostojic, David Rych and Dmytri Kleiner, investigates the intersection of art and political economy. Economics Quarterly Forums are performative events incorporating rituals relating to art and political economy. Topics include political economy as a theme in art, the economics of art production and economic activity as an action based art practice.

Stefan Hayn (filmmaker and painter) questions too simplified anti-capitalist rhetorics on a historical and psychological level. His movies and paintings try to make the gaps between affirmation and subversion, progress and regress, artistic form and so called critical content emotionally perceptible. He’ll show and discuss his films “Das heiße Eisen/Hot Iron” (2005, 35mm, 15 min) and “Klassenkampf” (91/93, 16mm, 17 min Eng Subtitles).

Der Salon für ästhetische Experimente ist eine Kooperation des Haus der Kulturen der Welt mit der Graduiertenschule für die Künste im Postgradualen Forums der Universität der Künste Berlin.

Salon Aesthetic Experiments

Art & Economics Group Quarterly Forum

Tuesday April 8th 2014 at 7 p.m.
The Art&Economics Group – represented by Tanja Ostojic, Dmytri Kleiner, Baruch Gottlieb and David Rych – is pleased to announce our Quarterly Forum with Stefan Hayn as the guest of the evening.