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Seminar: Art without Work. Ein Schlüsselkonzept der Künste des 20. Jh.

Seminar: Art without Work. Ein Schlüsselkonzept der Künste des 20. Jh.

A Seminar with Anthony Iles and Marina Gerber (Graduiertenkolleg “Das Wissen der Künste”)

Starting with Kazimir Malewitsch’s critique of work and his white and black squares, the seminar offers an overview over the different forms which are showing the idea of „art without work“: John Cage, Allan Kaprow, the Moskow Performance Group Kollective Actions, Robert Morris, Clairefontaine and Rirkrit Tiravanija.

A critical perspeticwe towards these practices are offered by i.e. feminist points of view, as well as T.W. Adorno and Jeff Wall, whose interventions will be discussed as well.

Were? When?

April 15th, 1 – 3 pm, Ha 004

Block 1:
25th of April, 2 – 21 pm, Ha 110
26th of April, 11 – 6 pm, Ha 150

Block 2:
2nd of May, 2 – 9 pm, Ha 110
3rd of May, 11 – 6 pm, Ha 158

Hardenbergstraße 33, 10623 Berlin