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Introductory Workshop: Werkzeuge des Komischen

Introductory Workshop: Werkzeuge des Komischen

How can you bring personal material to the stage and make the audience laugh?

Introductory workshop: Werkzeuge des Komischen (Tools of Comic) with the founder of the Crises Center for Female Humour who is a Graduate School alumna: Vanessa Stern.

The aim of the workshop is questioning social constrains in a comic way and creating a form suitable for the stage. In the group you learn the laws of comic as well as the artisanal possibilities for their use by the means of concrete exercises and stories.

In three and a half hour? Of course, not. Introductory workshop with the support of the Senate Chancellery for Cultural Affairs and the Graduate School within the Postgraduate Forum at Berlin University of the Arts. Free admission. Please register here since the number of participants is restricted.

more Information

12th December 2015, 5.30 pm to 9 pm

Graduiertenschule der UdK
Einsteinufer 43
Raum 203
10587 Berlin

Graduiertenschule der UdK
Einsteinufer 43
Raum 203
10587 Berlin

Photo: Dietmar Schmidt