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“PGF-Treff“ – Postgraduales Forum im Dialog

“PGF-Treff“ – Postgraduales Forum im Dialog

Promovendenkolloquium der Fakultät Gestaltung

The first Promovendenkolloquium by the College of Architecture, Media and Design at Berlin University of the Arts takes place on 16th April 2015. The colloquium gives insight into the variety of the current dissertation topics and theses. Nine doctoral candidates of the faculty present their individual work from fields like Architecture, Design and Visual Communication. Besides moderated presentations, there will be space for informal conversations and exchange about issues outside the immediate discipline.
The event is a cooperation between the College of Architecture, Media and Design and the Postgraduate Forum (PGF).

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16th April 2015, 2-6pm

Design Transfer, room 7
Einsteinufer 43
10587 Berlin