Hannah Wiemer
We extend a warm welcome to our new research fellow and coordinator at the Graduate School and BAS.
We extend a warm welcome to our new research fellow and coordinator at the Graduate School and BAS.
Our alumno Azin Feizabadi presents his work “Engelab“ in the frame of the exhibition “A Heritage Transposed“ at Box Freiraum in Berlin
At Berlin Art Festival our new fellow Nino Klinger and Frédéric Jaeger present their short film "Nothing But Progress".
Our former fellow Lizza May David presents the exhibition “Mangrove” at the Galerie Michael Janssen in Berlin.
Our alumno Stefan Hayn presents paintings and films at Kienzle Art Foundation Berlin.
Our new fellow Clarissa Thieme presents her new installation at Raum für Zweckfreiheit.
Our alumna Valentina Karga, Mascha Fehse and Sébastien Tripod will lead “As/If All In: Hot Stuff”, a project with Raumlabor.
The evening will lead you into the exciting worlds of Kairos Theory, a concept for “Creating Perfect Moments Together” with ensembles of humans and machines, and “Contemporary Instrument Design and Performance practice”, as it emerges in the 3DMIN project.
Our former fellow Juliane Laitzsch, Katrin von Lehmann and Eva-Maria Schön warmly invite you to join the closing event titled “Vorspeise, Hauptspeise, Nachspeise“.
On the last Sunday before Advent, our former employee Hendrik Quast and Maika Knoblich present the performance "Trauer tragen".
Our former fellow Alex Martinis Roe’s exhibition “To Become Two” will be presented in the Netherlands.
Introducing Our New Visiting Professor at the Graduate School - Welcome!
Our new fellow Marco Donnarumma offers a critical thinking workshop that begins with the question “Would you live with an autonomous prosthesis?”
Our former fellow Lucie Strecker and Klauss Spiess present their project "Hare’s Blood +" as part of the new media show Hybrids: On the borderline between Art and Technology in Athens.
Different films by our alumno Stefan Hayn are shown in November.
In his talk, Jan Verwoert will address what it means to live with the fact that certain questions concerning artistic identity keep haunting you when art is what you do.
Fellow Nuria Nuñez Hierro is staging an experimental immersive play at Volksbühne.
Graduale is the biannual showcase of the Graduate School programme at the Berlin University of the Arts.
Roma Protest is a format comprised of the most varied artistic modules, dedicated to the situation of the Roma people.
Our former fellow Tanja Ostojić is taking part in these five exhibitions at the end of 2016.
The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw presents the performance by our fellow Jeremiah Day and MAQUIS and the accompanying exhibition.
Our fellow Alex Martinis Roe leads together with Melanie Sehgal the working group Formations, which offers the workshop “The Practice of Legacy”.
Our alumna is presenting her film “Das offenbare Geheimnis“ (2015) at Staatsgalerie Stuttgart and “Ensemble“ (2010) in Montreal.
Our future fellow Marco Donnarumma contributes to the category “Networked Transplantations- Extending bodies and senses” at Retune Festival Berlin that gives stage to actors in this new field of body extensions, transhumanist practice and networked senses.
Our former fellow Vanessa Stern presents “Der aufhaltsame Auftritt der Vanessa Stern“ at Theaterdiscounter Berlin in the frame of the Monologfestival 2016 that features 25 performances on the subject of justice, orientation and motives of influencing the status quo.
Works by our former fellow Pedro Stoichita are on display in two group exhibitions.
Our alumna Judith Raum is part of the exhibition “digging deep crossing far” at Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien Berlin with her new spacious installation “Geeignete Lektüre” and a lecture performance.
Our future fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger will be part of the exhibition “Trekking in Time” in Sweden with her kinetic installation series “Wanderer”.
Our alumna Juliane Laitzsch presents in the frame of the exhibition at the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek in Berlin her project “Löwen im Holz”. A declaration of love to all the books she never read.
with Judith Raum (alumna, fine artist), Prof. Dr. phil. Rainer Krause (psychoanalyst and affect researcher) and TBA (dancer)
Our alumna Tanja Ostojić is part of the exhibition at Unit 32 in Melbourne.
We congratulate our former fellow, the composer Genoël Rühle von Lilienstern.
with Nuria Núñez Hierro (current fellow / composer) and her guests Iñigo Giner-Miranda (director) and Àngela Ribera (scene and costume designer) [German]
with artworks by our current fellow Ralf Baecker
During the exhibition "contesting/contexting SPORT 2016" at nGbK and Kunstraum Bethanien our alumna Tanja Ostojić is showing a video recording of her performance "Školice / Hopscotch".
Our alumna Echo Ho contributed a text to the book "Findings on Light".
The exhibition at Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten, among others presenting alumna Juliane Laitzsch, deals with the complex relation between image and sound by interweaving media.
The project by Collective Disaster, of which our alumna Valentina Karga is part of, is presented at the "Art, cities & landscape – Hortillonnages Amiens!" festival in Amiens.
Our alumna Judith Raum presents with other Villa-Romana awardees the book launch of the Villa Romana Fellows 2015 at Bar Babette in Berlin.
Our former fellow Genoël von Lilienstern is the composer of “Speere Stein Klavier” (Spears Rock Piano), a composition commissioned by the city of Munich for the Munich Biennale.
Introduced and with a performance by Jeremiah Day
Our current fellow Alex Martinis Roe will take part in the three day exhibition and symposium called "Priorities: The Talk Show" at Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam.
The exhibition “Selbdritt“ features drawings by Helene Hellmich, Alexander Klenz and our alumna Lucie Strecker at the Galerie im Kurt Schumacher Haus in Berlin.
BAS Publication 2016: A working paper as a documentation of the results of the 2015 international conference and descriptions of 17 programmes of "artistic third-cycle education".
Our Alumna Tanja Ostojic takes part in the symposium Burnout Feminism in Oldenburg with “On ‘Naked Life’ and my artistic strategies of reinventing feminism today”.
by Bjoern Erlach (current fellow) as well as Alan Fabian, Pascal Fendrich, Bernd Härpfer, Siegfried Koepf, Dohi Moon and Christoph Seibert
The film by our current fellow Azin Feizabadi is presented in the frame of the programme “Hello Guggenheim” at Guggenheim Museum in New York with an introduction by Nina Tabassomi.
The work of our current fellow Lizza May David is presented in the solo show “Trias” during the Asian Art Show 2016 organized by NON Berlin.
with Jeremiah Day, Azin Feizabadi, Ralf Baecker, Bjoern Erlach, Nuria Núñez Hierro, Alex Martinis Roe and Lizza May David. Moderated by Jan Verwoert
This programme to accompany a seminar by the Udk Art and Media course is dedicated to the materiality and corporeality of filmmaking with analogue film.
Under the title “Wherefrom the Images? Whereto the Images?” the Museum Moderner Kunst – Stiftung Ludwig Wien presents a selection of films by our former fellow Stefan Hayn.
The group exhibition "Secret Surface" at KW Berlin closes during the Gallery Weekends Berlin with the 12-hour performance "Sunrise Sunset" with the involvement of our former fellow Marc Sabat:
Framer Framed in Amsterdam presents The Negotiation, a film by our fellow Azin Feizabadi and Kaya Behkalam as part of the exhibition "Voices Outside the Echo Chamber: Questioning Myths, Facts and Framings of Migration”
With "Untitled", our fellow Jeremiah Day is part of the dialogue with Wolfgang Mayer's soldier portraits in the context of the photo exhibition "Please send me opportunity and preparation" in the German-Russian Museum.
Our fellow Azin Feizabadi will be presented with the sound work "Third-Party Effect of Fundamental Rights" at the extensive exhibition and event program of the Badischer Kunstverein on the topics of migration and flight.
A small exhibition of our alumna Eva Könnemann's work will be presented on 19 April 2016, under the title "Light Boy or When Shooting Stars Fall in Sunlight & Nothingness is the Protagonist" at the Metropolis Kino in Hamburg.
Our former fellow Ketan Bhatti and his brother Vivan conduct and compose the music theatre project that premiers at Deutsche Oper Berlin.
We are happy to announce the first institutional solo exhibition by our current fellow Ralf Backer in the frame of the programme of the Kasseler Kunstverein that deals with the phenomena of “digital culture”.
Our current fellow Alex Martinis Roe and Melanie Sehgal present “Formations” during the demonstration and discussion evening titled “Wisdom Techniques” at Haus der Kulturen der Welt on 16th April 2016.
Our former visiting professor Eric Zimmerman is part of two new projects: one about a secret library and one about waiting rooms.
Our former fellow Judith Seng will show an installation in Milan that invites visitors to explore her current project „Acting Things“ by means of videos, documents and the presentation of essential results.
Our current fellow Alex Martinis Roe takes part in the exhibition curated by Staci Bu Shea at Bard College, New York.
As part of "Care Of Editions", the project of our former fellow Gary Schultz, the concert by Kara-Lis Coverdale and Vaghe Stelle will take place at Spektrum in Berlin.
Our fellow Ralf Baecker opens his solo show at NOME.
The new film by our alumnus Stefan Hayn is shown in the frame of the 13. Dokumentarfilmwoche hamburg at the Kino Metropolis in Hamburg.
The visual artists Taraneh Hemmami (San Francisco) and our fellow Azin Feizabadi are taking part in the panel in the frame of the series “#Iran: Animating the Archives” in New York.
We are happy to announce that our alumna Judith Seng will live and work at the Villa Kamogawa (Goethe Institute) in Kyoto from April 2016 in the frame of a three-month residency.
Drawings and installtions by Gertrud Riethmüller and our alumna Juliane Laitzsch are presented in the exhibition “Driften“ at Saarländisches Künstlerhaus.
with Sebastian Quack (Alumnus) and Jennifer Aksu (Gast)
In March and May, Ania Michaelis and our fellow Nuria Núñez Hierro present the musical theatre “A Piece of Heaven” for children aged 2 to 4 in the Tischlerei of the Deutschen Oper Berlin.
What does the failure of the culture of participation mean for art, politics and society? Can we still learn from the failure of participatory processes or is it already too late to manage to keep the idea of participation?
In the beginning of March, our alumna Tanja Ostojic will present new performances and workshops in Germany and Scotland.
Our fellow Lizza May David contributes to the group exhibition “Don’t Panic It’s Organic“ taking place at the Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill in Austria.
Our alumna Lucie Strecker & Klaus Spiess present their project “Hare’s Blood +“ among other artists at the exhibition “Wetware: art | agency | animation” in Irvine, California, USA.
Our fellow Azin Feizabadi presents his film “Cryptomnesia” at the MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38 as part of the series New-Self-Portrait-Paradox in New York on 14th February 2016. The screening will be followed by an artist talk with Feizabadi.
Our alumna Judith Raum presents her new lecture performance “bin der ansicht das streik nützlich“ assited by Susanne Sachsse.
Ildikó Szántó, Dr. Marusia Budetlyanova and our alumnae Dr. des. Lioudmila Voropai and Jana Linke share their thoughts on the subject “Future of Art in a Post-Work Society” in the panel discussion taking place in the Seminarraum of the Graduate School on 5th February 2016.
Our alumna Agnes Meyer-Brandis and Janna Kaplan will talk about astronaut training as it applies to both humans and animals in conjunction with the exhibition Setting Out at apexart in New York.
Our alumna Valentina Karga presents the participatory performance “The Gigantic Jelly-Blob” during the transmediale on 6th February 2016. “The Gigantic Jelly-Blob” is part of a larger investigation into the creation, validation, and dissemination of art in the immaterial economy. The uncontrollable, diffuse monsters of financialization and precarity invade not only our work ethics but also the most personal corners of our lives. What is the role of the artist in a financialized (art) world? The viewer is invited to participate in a lecture-performance with Karga in which they will shape an immaterial sculpture, creating thus a space for communication, togetherness, and embodiment of ideas. Using fiction and metaphors, we will be looking across a capitalist horizon and share our findings, reflections, and ideas. No particular knowledge or skills are required. The event includes a sound intervention by Dimitris Papadatos. Please note: You have to register! Participants will be admitted at 7.30 or 9pm, and places are limited. Please choose your slot. more information When? 6th February, 7.30-10.30pm Where? Haus der Kulturen der Welt – K1 John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 10557 Berlin
On 5th February 2016 our alumna Vanessa Stern presents her next crisis at Sophiensaelen: “La Dernière Crise – Frauen am Rande der Komik“ 16 after Christa – comedy shows made by men for men everywhere. Everywhere? Not exactly! In the small village called Berlin is a stage exclusively for funny women. They developed their very own technique: a bunch of crisis paired with ego and environment. Encouraged by the famous Vanessa Stern, who stakes her good name on the event, so no seat stays empty. The rest is almost unrehearsed surprise, buttered bread and, of course, cult. What shall we do? The motto for February: and what not… Made by and with: Sofija Cikron, Marie- Thérèse Fontheim, //:HAL<3, Bettina Hoppe, Valerie Oberhof, Stephanie Petrowitz, Vanessa Stern u.a. Ausstattung: Jelka Plate, Eike Böttcher more Information (German) Trailer When? 5th February 2016, 8pm Where? Sophiensaele Berlin Sophienstraße 18 10178 Berlin
The Neuköllner Oper presents the premiere of the music theatre “Das schwarze Wasser” (The Black Water), an adaption of Schimmelpfennig’s play by Vivian and our alumno Ketan Bhatti.
Our current fellow Alex Martinis Roe is going to be a part of the launch of Edition IV of If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution in Amsterdam.
Congratulations to our alumna Lucie Strecker for receiving a four-year funding from the FWF (Wiener Wissenschaftsfonds) as part of the Elise Richter-PEEK (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste).
Our research fellow and coordinator Jenny Fuhr performs on 13th January 2016 with the „Madagascar Roots Band“ in the Rudolf-Oetker Halle in Bielefeld. The concert is broadcasted live on WDR3.