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Exhibition “Gestrüpp”

The three artists Ulrike Brand (cello), Annebarbe Kau (video) and our alumna Juliane Laitzsch (drawing) deal with the complex relation between image and sound by interweaving media within the exhibition "Gestrüpp" at Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten.
Realisations in form of gestures, sounds and images processual intertwine in the exhibition. That is not just depicted, but further realised in studios, workshops and concerts.

Opening: Friday, 1st July 2016, 7 pm
Exhibition: 1st July to 6th August 2016

Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten
Turmstraße 75
10551 Berlin

more information (in German)

Concert I
Thursday, 7th July, 6 pm
Ulrike Brand (cello) and Christine Paté (accordion)
Improvisations about videos by Annebarbe Kau and drawings by Juliane Laitzsch
Additionally, musicians will perform scores for children from the workshops*.

Open studio
Thursday, 14th July, 5-7 pm
Ulrike Brand (cello) engages with videos by Annebarbe Kau and drawings by Juliane Laitzsch

Open studio
Thursday, 21th July, 5-7 pm
Ulrike Brand (cello) engages with videos by Annebarbe Kau and drawings by Juliane Laitzsch

Concert II
Thursday, 4th August, 6 pm
Ulrike Brand (cello) and Olaf Rupp (electric guitar)
Improvisations about videos by Annebarbe Kau and drawings by Juliane Laitzsch
Additionally, musicians will perform scores for children from the workshops*.

* In the frame of the exhibition, there are workshops with students who are funded by the Moabiter Bildungsverbund.