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Exhibition "Public Library"

Our alumna Juliane Laitzsch presents in the frame of the exhibition "Public Library" at the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek in Berlin her project “Löwen im Holz”. A declaration of love to all the books she never read.

Under the influence of 20 artists the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek becomes a walkable artwork. With their installations during the library operation the artists explore Berlin’s probably most famous library, looking for open and hidden places and enquire its future.

The symposium "Public Library" examines the role of art in the public space library for one afternoon.

Opening: Thursday, 8th September 2016, 6pm
Exhibition: 9th September to 13th October 2016
Symposium: Saturday, 10th September 2016, 3pm to 6.30pm

Blücherplatz 1
10961 Berlin

more Information (in German)

Furthermore, works by our alumna Juliane Laitzsch are featured in the exhibition “Zeitgenössische Positionen Bildender Kunst aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“ in the frame of Kunst Heute 2016.

30th September to 8th Oktober 2016

Galerie wolkenbank kunst+räume
Lange Straße 26
18055 Rostock

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