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Exhibition “The Thinking Machine” in Barcelona

Our current fellow Ralf Baecker takes part in the exhibition "The Thinking Machine. Ramon Llull and the Ars combinatoria” opening on July 14 in Barcelona:

This exhibition explores the impact of the philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316) on the arts, literature, science and technology. This controversial man, admired and scorned by some of the most enlightened minds in European culture, has acquired a new importance in the current debate on the ways knowledge is shared with others. A topical figure today, he was also one of the leading lights in the intellectual circles of the late 13th century, in which Arab, Jewish and Christian philosophers and scientists alike participated.

14th July to 11th December 2016

CCCB / Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Montalegre, 5
08001 Barcelona

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