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Film premiere "Jūrmala“

On May 12 the film "Jūrmala" is going to be premiered at cinema Arsenal during the UdK Seminar "Faire un Effort!".

This programme to accompany a seminar by the Udk Art and Media course is dedicated to the materiality and corporeality of filmmaking with analogue film. "Projection Instructions" (1976) by Morgan Fisher appeals to the conditions of the apparatus. In "Water Sark" (1966), the camera functions as an instrument of investigation, when Joyce Wieland shines both before it and behind it at the kitchen table. Marie Menken described "Go! Go! Go!" (1963) as a “tour de force of human activity” in which different footage inscribes New York’s age and consciousness into the image. Maintaining principles and taking care of repetition is what drives "Her Mona" (1992) by Klaus Telscher. Particular emphasis should be given to the world premiere of "Jūrmala" (2010–2016), which emerged from a collaborative manifesto by Laura Horelli, Brigitta Kuster, Nina Lassila, Agnese Luse, Angela Melitopoulos, Eléonore de Montesquiou, our former fellow Tanja Ostojić, Meggie Schneider, Isabell Spengler and Gitte Villesen.

Thursday, 12th May 2016, 5 pm

Cinema Arsenal
Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin

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