Lucie Strecker receives funding through the Elise Richter-PEEK Programme
Lucie Strecker receives funding through the Elise Richter-PEEK Programme
Congratulations to our alumna Lucie Strecker for receiving a four-year funding from the FWF (Wiener Wissenschaftsfonds) as part of the Elise Richter-PEEK (Programm zur Entwicklung und Erschließung der Künste). As senior-postdoc she is going to work on her project “The Performative Biofact“ at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in the Institute for Fine Arts and Media Arts. The Elise Richter-PEEK-Programme intends to support the academic career of highly qualified female arts-based researchers and to enhance their university career.
The project aims to develop experimental regulations while considering the relation between matter and performativity, which has been altered through moleculobiological and genetic techniques of Life Science, in cooperation with the programme Arts in Medicine of the Medical University of Vienna (head Klaus Spiess). The focus is on theories of New Materialism. In particular the feministic and scientific approaches by Karan Barad are taken into account, which question the established separation between ontology and epistemology.