Article “Mona Lisa, rasiert“ in NZfM
Our former fellow Genöel von Lilienstern published in the current edition of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik NZfM the article „Mona Lisa, rasiert - Versuch einer Genealogie des postmodernen Komponierens“.
Our former fellow Genöel von Lilienstern published in the current edition of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik NZfM the article „Mona Lisa, rasiert - Versuch einer Genealogie des postmodernen Komponierens“.
Our alumna Eva Könnemann is one out of 25 nominees for this year’s Arbeitsstipendium für bildende Kunst der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, who present their work in an exhibition hosted by the Kunsthaus Hamburg.
Our former fellow Tanja Ostojić presents a film as part of the video-forum Artists’ Film International (AFI) 2017: Collaboration at n.b.k. Berlin.
Övül Durmusoglu & DA Heraklion (artist collective) Soll ich bleiben oder gehen? With Lisa Glauer & Jan Verwoert
As part of the exhibition “Reframing Worlds - Mobility and Gender in a Postcolonial, Feminist Perspective”, our alumna Judith Raum presents “Rock and Clay Improvisations“, a series of new works concerned with the ambivalent character of Gertrude Bell, a British explorer and archaeologist.
Our current fellow Kiran Kumar will present his performance “Archipelago Archives Exhibit #1: Dear Dead Dancer” as part of the SODA Works Festival at HZT that celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Master program Solo Dance Authorship.
Our Alumna Judith Raum presents “Stoffbesprechung. Zum Werk der Bauhaus-Weberin Otti Berger“ as part of the symposium “Was war Design?“ by the Institute for History and Theory of Design at Berlin University of the Arts.
Our alumno Yutaka Makino was selected to realise the interdisciplinary arts project “On Display - An Artistic View on Computational Neuroscience” for the Bernstein Conference 2018 in Berlin.
Archipelago Archives Exhibit #4: Cultures of Knowing / Knowing of Cultures with fellow Kiran Kumar, Kiwi Menrath, Daniela Hahn
Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger presents in the frame of the unReal exhibition at Chronus Art Center in Shanghai her kinetic installation “Wanderer Spacetime Poetry“ that dynamically generates a drawing in the exhibition space by means of small thermal printers.
Our fellow Marco Donnarumma posted a video on his website introducing his AI robot “Amygdala”.
Our alumna Valentina Karga is currently a resident at the Saari Residency at Kone Foundation in Finland with her project “The Futuristic United Nations Environment Program”.
Our fellow Clarissa Thieme presents the video performance “VOICES (work in progress)“ with Anne Ratte-Polle as part of the Female Artists' Program at Kino Arsenal in Berlin.
Political depression hits hard when the horizon of action shrinks to zero, as we gasp at how absurdity trumps reality. What could action be born from? Bergson and Lispector say: the stream of life.
Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger shows her installation “Raumtaster” in a solo exhibition as part of the series Volvo at Heilig-Geist-Kirche in Rosenheim.
Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger presents four new mobiles of her work as part of the “Museum of Transformation” at the State Silk Museum Tbilisi.
Our alumna Echo Ho takes part in the group exhibition "4 x 3" with an installation and performance.
Our fellow Darsha Hannah Hewitt presents the European premiere of „The Feedback Babies“ as part of the touring project „Feedback #1" in West Den Haag and two other works at Microwaves Festival in Hong Kong.
In the exhibition “Close, never closer” the fellows of the Graduate School present the work on their individual projects.
Our fellows Zeynep Tuna and Nino Klinger present the pilot episode of “Kanal 82“ together with a performance by German-Turkish stand-up comedian Idil Baydar aka Jilet Ayşe at Eiszeit Kino Berlin in the frame of the exhibition series “NARphotos. Moments from Turkey.“
Our alumna Judith Raum presents in the framework of the exhibition “Syndrome – Im Schatten der Ordnung“ by Maria Manasterny and Deborah Uhde the lecture-performance “GEGENZEIT“ at the Schwartzsche Villa Berlin.
Metropolis M Books published “To Seminar” with contributions by our guest professor Jan Verwoert and alumno Jeremiah Day.
As part of the group exhibition “Standard International #4 Spatial Clearings” our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger presents a new light drawing at GLINT in Berlin.
We congratulate our fellow Marco Donnarumma on receiving the Award of Distinction in the category Digital Musics & Sound Art for his performance "Corpus Nil".
Our alumno Azin Feizabadi presents a film reading with his film “UCHRONIA” at the Microscope Gallery in New York.
Our alumna Alex Martinis Roe presents her exhibition “To Become Two” at Badischer Kunstverein.
The Haus der Elektronischen Künste Basel shows the work of our alumna Agnes Meyer-Brandis in a solo exhibition with the title “Cloud Cores, Moon Geese and Wandering Trees“.
The BAS associate Lisa Glauer takes part in the exhibition “Tunnel below / Skyjacking above: deconstructing the border“ at nGbK in Berlin.
The exhibition “The Point In Front Is Not The Point In Front Is Not” at Kyoto Art Center in Japan features works of our alumna Judith Seng and Yusuke Taninaka, both currently based in Berlin, and reflects on the relationship between performance and sculpture.
Our alumno Pedro Stoichita introduces his new book “Polybius mathematischer Schatz“ at Supalife Kiosk.
Our alumno Stefan Hayn and Jens Ruchatz will be guests at the event KRISENGESPRÄCHE hosted by the UdK-seminars “Interviewprojekte“ by Kathrin Peters and “Dokumentarische Positionen: Interview“ by Stefanie Gaus.
The catalogue “Out of Subsurdum“ by alumna Agnes Meyer-Brandis was recently published.
“Raumtaster“, spacial drawings with light, by our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger are presented as part of the exhibition “tracing“ at Haus am Kleistpark in Berlin.
Klaus Spiess and our alumna Lucie Strecker present their performance project “On Xcurrencies“ at ISEA in Columbia.
Our fellow Darsha Hewitt will present her new work DIY Sonic Loophole Generator during the Future Flux Festival in Rotterdam.
Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger presents her kinetic installation “Wanderer - spacetime poetry“ in the frame of the unReal exhibition at HeK in Basel.
Alumna Lucie Strecker is presenting “Hare’s Blood+” at the Click Festival for Art, Science and Technology in Helsingør.
Our alumno Stefan Hayn presents the installation “Nicht die bessere Mutter” with paintings, drawings and films (1988-2017) as part of the group exhibition “Die Gegenwart in Rückspiegeln betrachten” at Kunstpavillon Innsbruck.
The Neuer Ravensburger Kunstverein e.V. presents the exhibition “Printing for Borderliners” by our fellow Lisa Glauer.
In the context of the lecture series “Salon Digital” at Hfk Bremen, fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger is giving a lecture about her project which approaches notions of nature in the North American landscape.
Fellow Marco Donnarumma is hosting the workshop “XTH Sense Biophysical Music” in association with the programme “Dark Bodies Dark Identities” at Spektrum Berlin.
Alumna Alex Martinis Roe is presenting her new video installation at “The Showroom” in London.
The concert by alumnus Genoël von Lilienstern, which took place at Theaterhaus Stuttgart, will be presented in the programme “SWR2 JetztMusik”.
We are very glad to annouce that alumna Tanja Ostojić has secured funding to finalise her interdisciplinary research project, which was in research phase during her fellowship at the Graduate School from 2012 to 2014.
Our Alumna is showing work in two ongoing exhibitions: „Identification - Field exercises after Katalin Ladik“ taking place in Acb Gallery Budapest, as well as „Scandal Normal?“ at OÖ Kulturquartier Linz.
Curator Prof. Jan Verwoert gives insight into the artistic processes behind the scenes of the Salons für Ästhetische Experimente.
Fellow Alex Martinis Roe is showing part of her project „To Become Two“ at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney.
An evening of conversation and drinks, between Alumna Judith Raum and Susanne Weiß, will take place within the context of the event “food for thought” at CIAT in Berlin.
Our fellow Marco Donnarumma will present his performance at Spektrum in Berlin in the context of „Exhibition #9: Dark Body Dark Identity“.
Alumna Lucie Strecker will discuss her ongoing project „Hare’s Blood +” at Levyarts in New York City.
Our Alumna Valentina Karga will be part of the exhibition in Copenhagen that aims to question value-creation in varying contexts.
Our fellow Lisa Glauer is taking part in the exhibition in The Ballery, which is taking place in the context of International Women’s Day.
Martin Küpper’s book will presumably be released in March, and can be preordered as of now.
Our current researcher and coordinator Hannah Wiemer will hold a lecture at the symposium "Überwachende Blicke zwischen Politik, Religion und Technik", taking place in the Museum for Photography.
Alumna Lucie Strecker, together with Klaus Spiess, is presenting “Hare’s Blood + for Reproductive Freedom” on February 2 at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, USA.
The exhibition by Juliane Laitzsch and Angelika Frommherz, which is being held at “Galerie im Körnerpark”, is staged as a space which visitors can stroll in as if promenading through a park.
Alumna Echo Ho is presenting her performance in the context of the conference “Potential Spaces” at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design.
At Transmediale, Darsha Hewitt is presenting her work “The Watch”. The video and installation work created in collaboration with Sophia Gräfe abstracts qualities of a household object from the German Democratic Republic in order to re-imagine it.
Alumna Tanja Ostojic is showing a solo exhibition in Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Palazzo Pianetti in Jesi, Italy.
The project „Bestiarium“ by our alumna Nuria Nuñez Hierro will be funded by the Capital Cultural Fund in Berlin.
The composition "Black Gaze" for string quartet by alumnus Genoel von Lilienstern will be premiered at the Eclat-Festival in Stuttgart by the New York-based Mivos Quartet.
Our alumna Valentina Karga will present her new work “Our Coming Community” in Helsinki.
Valentina Karga is participating at this year's Transmediale festival, which is celebrating its 30 Year anniversary.
Alumno Stefan Hayn is showing "Straub" in the context of the exhibition "Whose Propitious Garden is This?" at the Kienzle Art Foundation Berlin.
In connection with „Interdisziplinäres Projekt-Forum” (IP-F), and in cooperation with „GeDenkOrt.Charité – Wissenschaft in Verantwortung“ , Lisa Glauer has initiated the presentation of the course "Tasten, Riechen, Hören" of the Institut for Art in Context (UdK) at nGbK.
The artists, our alumna Lucie Strecker and Klaus Spiess, present the performative installation “XCurrencies” as a work in progress at Art|Sci Gallery in Los Angeles.