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Kinetic Installation "Wanderer - spacetime poetry"

Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger presents in the frame of the unReal exhibition at HeK in Basel her kinetic installation “Wanderer - spacetime poetry“ that creates a drawing in the exhibition space with small thermal printers.

The exhibition “unREAL. The Algorithmic Present“ examines the complexity of our time as the separation between the digital and the real has become obsolete. It presents works that illustrate the often-hidden materiality of the bits and bytes. With the help of twenty-four works by international artists, algorithmic processes of our digital presence are physically experienced in poetic installations and immersive projections.

In the context of the exhibition, there is a talk in German by Dominik Landwehr with Sabine Himmelsbach (Director HeK), Pe Lang, alumno Ralf Baecker and Kerstin Ergenzinger online.

Exhibition: 8 June to 20 August 2017

Haus der elektronischen Künste - HeK
Freilager-Platz 9
4142 Münchenstein / Basel

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