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Performative Installation "XCurrencies"

The artists, our alumna Lucie Strecker and Klaus Spiess, present the performative installation “XCurrencies” as a work in progress at Art|Sci Gallery in Los Angeles. Their artistic research explores experimental currency systems that can negotiate value through their liveness when mediated by interfaces with consumers and their affective resources.

“XCurrencies” is based on Lucie Strecker’s and Klaus Spiess’s previous work “Hare’s blood+” which reflected on artworks incorporating animal relics. The artists designed a synthetic gene from a Joseph Beuys multiple that contained “hare’s blood” and spliced it into living cells which were put up for auction. The bids at the auction were linked to the living and dying processes of the cells, positioning them as agents in the making of value, in line with a counter-economy envisioned by Joseph Beuys.

Opening: 12 January 2017, 7pm

Art|Sci Gallery | CNSI 5th floor
Charles E Young Dr S
90095 Los Angeles

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