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Solo exhibition "Raumtaster"

Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger shows her installation “Raumtaster” in a solo exhibition as part of the series Volvo at Heilig-Geist-Kirche in Rosenheim.

Volto is a new annual series of artistic installations at Heilig-Geist-Kirche in Rosenheim. Volto is the Italian word for image and refers to the fresco “Volto Santo” at Heilig-Geist-Kirche which reflects the image of the person. The exhibition features current artistic positions that interact with the spatial and spiritual dimension of the church.

"Raumtaster" by Kerstin Ergenzinger consists of custom-prepared overhead-projectors that produce space-related lightdrawings.

Opening: Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 7pm
Exhibition: 26 October to 26 November 2017
Closing event: Sunday, 26 November, 5pm

Heilig-Geist Straße 1 
83022 Rosenheim