What if it won’t stop here?
The Graduate School proudly presents its new publication "What if it won’t stop here?" with works and conversations by our fellows and associates 2016-2018.
The Graduate School proudly presents its new publication "What if it won’t stop here?" with works and conversations by our fellows and associates 2016-2018.
Our former fellow Marco Donnarumma and Margherita Pevere received the Digital Award at Romaeuropa Festival 2018 for their performance “Eingeweide”.
Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin presents “Technosphärenklänge #6” with Mouse on Mars, our alumnus Marco Donnarumma and Nunu Kong.
Alumna Kerstin Ergenzinger will be giving an artist talk on ‘Acts of Orientation’ in conjunction with a book presentation by musician and curator Julia Eckhardt.
Alumna Alex Martinis Roe has just completed a new film called “Alliances” exploring the legacy of the women's movement which began 50 years ago in Paris. It will be screened at GfZK in Leipzig and in Metz.
“Applied Microperformativity: Live Arts for a Radical Socio-Economic Turn” is a combination of symposium, interventions and exhibition, curated by our former fellow Lucie Strecker, Klaus Spiess and Jens Hauser.
Alumna Agnes Meyer-Brandis, who practice has long since focussed on the reciprocal relationships between art and science, will be showing her film forest Green (Sleeping and Awakening) at the Kassel documentary film festival.
As part of the event series “fundamente” organized by Studium Generale at UdK Berlin, Prof. Dr. Stefan Klein and Lisa Glauer, associate in the Graduate School programme, talk with Prof. Dr. Semir Zeki about “The neurobiology of beauty”.
Our alumna Judith Seng presents her Project “Acting Things” in the frame of the exhibition The Politics of Design: Act 1at Z33 – House for contemporary art in Belgien.
Graduale is the biannual showcase of the Graduate School programme at the Berlin University of the Arts. This time it examines what art can do now to face up to the bleak mood and still speak through media, data and the body.
Our alumna Tanja Ostojić is exhibiting her video installation "I´ll Be Your Angel" (2001/02) from the "Strategies of Success" project at the MMAG Foundation in Amman, Jordan, in the frame of Playing Innocent exhibition curated by Alejandra Labastida.
Our alumna Alex Martinis Roe presents two film installations in the exhibition “SEX” at Taxipalais in Tirol.
Fellow Marco Donnarumma’s work Amygdala will be exhibited as part of the exhibition Robot Love at Campina Melkfabriek in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Graduale 18 ends with a concert navigating through a repressed geography, a sounding continuum tries to bridge across silent points on the map, its holes.
Can deconstructing socialist era media technology and connecting it to the present day offer alternative readings of our critical entanglement with technology?
A dancer in a shallow pond of water, a slow-moving live sculpture of being in motion.
The Round table discussion with Dr. Gabriele Schor (SAMMLUNG VERBUND, Wien) and Prof. Liz Bachhuber (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) will be moderated by BAS associate Dr. Lisa Glauer at alpha nova & galerie futura.
Our alumna Valentina Karga is going to be a professor for introduction to artistic work in Design at the University for Fine Arts Hamburg.
Our alumna Tanja Ostojić is exhibiting her art books and posters at the Friends with Books: Art Book Fair Berlin.
Podcast by the Graduate School at UdK Rundgang 2018
Within the performance space, the performers’ bodies confront a robotic prosthesis named Amygdala.
The performance of our fellow Clarissa Thieme functions as well as her film »Today Is 11th June 1993« (2018) as an artistic intervention with video material from the Library Hamdija Kreševljaković Video Archive in Sarajevo.
The upcoming web-series Kanal 82 by our fellows Zeynep Tuna and Nino Klingler tells the story of seven women and their fight for the right to make crappy TV – if the authorities like it or not.
Alumna Juliane Laitzsch’s work is part of the exhibition “Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt Berlin” at Kunstverein Schwäbisch Hall. An artist talk with her takes place in September.
Alumna Lizza May David will give together with art historian Eva Bentcheva the workshop L-Stellen at Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin.
Our alumnus Ketan Bhatti is one of the artistic directors of the Trickster Orchestra which will perform at Heimathafen Neukölln in Berlin with him on the drums. Here, the Trickster Orchestra and the İstanbuler Hezarfen Ensemble work together for the first time.
Our Alumna Tanja Ostojić is exhibiting photos, stories, videos, drawings, signs and performance scores from the "Misplaced Women?" project archives in the frame of the Beautiful Trouble: Rethinking Art-ivism, Arival City exhibition at the Art-Lab Berlin.
Our former fellow Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa will be part of the exhibition “We don’t need another hero” at the next Berlin Biennale.
Our fellow Marco Donnarumma was awarded the Prix Arts Vivants Adami/Culture Experience Days and Prix Arts Vivants Presse at this year’s edition of the Festival Bains Numériques in Paris for his performance "Corpus Nil".
Sophiensæle Berlin presents “La Dernière Crise– Frauen am Rande der Komik” by our former fellow Vanessa Stern.
At Art Laboratory Berlin the book release of “Half Life“ will take place. The book presents 41 artistic positions including the ones of our fellows Kerstin Ergenzinger and Lisa Glauer, as well as our alumna Agnes Meyer-Brandis.
Our fellow Clarissa Thieme will present her film “Today is 11th 1993” at Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf, including an artist talk.
Our current fellow Clarissa Thieme will show her artwork “Vremeplov I Time Machine” at the Historical Museum Bosnia Herzegowina in Sarajevo. On the day of the opening she will additionally present a performance.
Our alumna Tanja Ostojić will take part in the BE.BOP 2018. at Autograph ABP in London.
Our alumna Tanja Ostojić will deliver a keynote speech at the Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms - conference at the Middlesex University in London.
Our current fellows Kerstin Ergenzinger, Kiran Kumar and Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari will offer a workshop in the context of the Studium Generale programme.
Our fellow Darsha Hewitt takes part in the group exhibition “Requiem for a Failed State” at the Center for Contemporary Art in Leipzig.
Our former fellow Lucie Strecker and Klaus Spiess will take part in an artist talk hosted by the class Gallmeier from the College of Fine Arts at Berlin University of the Arts.
Our current fellow Lisa Glauer is giving a public trial lecture for an associate professorship in “Painting and Beyond” at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art.
In June the two-day Salon special edition "Choreo-graphic Figures: Deviations from the Line" will take place, consisting of a performance lecture and a workshop with Alex Arteaga, Emma Cocker, Nikolaus Gansterer and Mariella Greil.
Sophiensaele Berlin presents the musical theatre “Aids Follies”. Genoël von Lilienstern, former fellow of the Graduate School, composed the piece.
How does the sound of a place carry its memories? And what could the sonic teach us about unstable grounds? A talk and concert with fellow Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari, guest Roni Brenner with his prepared guitar and Jan Verwoert.
In the framework of the exhibition “Geometries” in Athens Valentina Karga will present her new sculpture “Food is Energy” that originated in collaboration with Marjética Potrç.
In the frame of the event “Mai 68 – Assemblée Générale” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, our alumna Alex Martinis Roe will present a new step of her project “To Become Two”.
Our former fellow Ketan Bhatti gives a CD- release concert at ExRotaprint. He presents “Nodding Terms“ which was recorded by Ensemble Adapter and will be released on the label Col Legno.
Our alumno Ketan Bhatti plays with the contemporary chamber orchestra “Trickster Sound Kollektiv“ in the framework of “Modara - Fest für zeitgenössische Musik“ at Heimathafen Neukölln.
Our fellow Clarissa Thieme is showing the installation and performance “Vremeplov / Time Machine“ at the European Media Art Festival in the exhibition "Report - Notes from Reality".
The next concert by our former fellow Genoël von Lilienstern will be in Cologne at Acht Brücken Festival: “Top” for ensemble und synthesiser, ensemble garage.
Sophiensæle present the performance “Die Umschülerinnen oder die Komödie der unbegabten Kinder“ by our alumna Vanessa Stern.
We bid our student employee Malte Spitz farewell by wishing him all the best and welcome David Schöler in our team.
Organ kritischer Kunst presents “Leere Sockel / Entfernte Monumente (Empty Pedestals, Removed Monuments) - Video, Fotografie, Installation“, the result of a seminar in the frame of GeDenkOrt.Charité, a project of the Institute for Art in Context at UdK Berlin in cooperation with the Charité Mitte/Berlin, that was initiated by our fellow Lisa Glauer.
Our fellow Clarissa Thieme presents “Die DDR Hat Es Nie Gegeben I Appell (The GDR Never Existed I Salute)” as part of CO/LAB III at Torrance Art Museum in Los Angeles.
Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger recently uploaded a video called “Wanderer Spacetime Poetry” on vimeo.
In the framework of his residence in Paris, Stefan Hayn will present his film “S T R A U B” that he made during his fellowship at the Graduate School.
"Amygdala MK2", the AI prosthesis by our fellow Marco Donnarumma, has been awarded the first prize in the art & science competition “Future Working Worlds”, organised by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research and Wissenschaft im Dialog.
Our fellow Marco Donnarumma will have a concert and composer talk at the University of Oxford.
Sophiensaele presents the performance “Hundeplatz” by our former freelancer Hendrik Quast and Maika Knoblich.
Our former student employee Martin Küpper coedited the new book “Hans Heinz Holz. Die Sinnlichkeit der Vernunft. Letzte Gespräche”. Its book launch with Arnold Schölzel will take place in the Ladengalerie of Tageszeitung junge Welt in Berlin.
The gallery neurotitan presents the exhibition “(C8H8)n - Im Labor der éditions polystyrene” with works by artists of the French comic publisher éditions polystyrène – one of them is our alumno Pedro Stoichita.
The solo exhibition “Once Upon A Time, Once Upon No Time“ by our alumno Azin Feizabadi opens soon in the frame of UP (Unsustainable Privileges) at Galerie Wedding.
Mit Eleni Ikoniadou, Nathanja van Dijk, Thom Laepple und Sebastian Schwesinger. In dem Salon "Acts of Orientation" gibt Kerstin Ergenzinger Einblick in den Entstehungsprozess aktueller Skulpturen und Instrumente, die erkunden, wie man sich an der Grenze von Signal und Rauschen orientiert. Außerdem wird die Publikation "Navigating Noise" vorgestellt.
Our fellow Lisa Glauer will show some of her work in the group exhibition "How To Beat The February Blues" at The Ballery Berlin.
Our fellow Marco Donnarumma gives the lecture “The Restlessness of Hybridity” and presents his performance “Corpus Nil: Eingeweide” during this year’s Club Transmediale (CTM).
Our fellow Kerstin Ergenzinger will introduce her new book “Navigating Noise” at Buchhandlung Walther König in Berlin Mitte.
The film “Today is 11th June“ by our fellow Clarissa Thieme will premiere at Berlinale/ Forum Expanded.
Our alumna Lioudmila Voropai introduces her new book "Media Art as a By-Product: Notes on the Institutional Genealogy of New Artistic Media, Forms and Practices" at this year's Transmediale Festival.
Our alumno Genoël von Lilienstein presents this year again concerts on the international scene. Here a list of his upcoming concerts.
Our fellow Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari uploaded a video from the premier of his concert “GroundWork Θ“ in Tel Aviv last December.
The music theatre “Bestiarium“ by our alumna Nuria Nuñez Hierro premieres in its final version at HKW in Berlin.
The “Lexicon of Tanjas Ostojić" - Book Launch (Engl.) With Dr. Suzana Milevska, Tanja Ostojić and Tatjana Tanja Ostojić