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Oper Dynamo West, Die Stadt als Bühne


Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2010. 144 pages. 22,8 x 2 x 22,6 cm. ISBN: 978-3-7757-2625-2.

Westberlin changed since the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the developments in the post-war era. Once it was a vivid place, and now it is buried in oblivion. OPER DYNAMO WEST detects the blankspaces and includes their original functions, the urban space and its residents in their musictheater-performances. The artistic collective does not work on stage, but in public spaces: projects in between architecture and performing arts merge with music, text and space. The stages are for example Bahnhof Zoo, Kurfürstendamm, the Europa-Center or the vacant Schillertheater. Essays about the urban development, music, architecture and theatre complement the production-photos and analyze the central question of the projects: How can we influence or subvert urban structures? What is the scenery, what is reality? What is fiction and what is documentation?

Supported by the Graduate School (University of Arts Berlin).