#15 Words for Struggle: How to Unearth Liberatory Languages Buried by History? – Övül Durmuşoğlu
Words for struggle: How to unearth liberatory languages buried by history?
Those who were teenagers in the 2000s struggle today to assert themselves as political subjects – but at the same time they’re part of the capitalist system that is reaching its limits. Considering the current resurgence of right-wing populism, it’s time to remember the stories and practices of earlier struggles for freedom in order to counteract fascist tendencies. But revolutionary poetry and resistance songs have been replaced by counter-productive cynicism or ghostly romanticism. Neither of them works in the current crisis. How can revolutionary historiography be rethought? How can past narratives be reactivated today? How can a language be found for the resistance?
A conversation with Övül Durmusoglu, visiting professor at the Graduate School, and Marwa Arsanios. Moderated by Jan Verwoert.
The series of events is a cooperation between the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and the Graduate School at the Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences (BAS) of UdK Berlin.
When? Where?
14 October 2019, 7pm
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Hirschfeldbar at HKW is wheelchair accessible. There are accessible toilets in the venue. The bus number 100 holds in front of the house. There are seatings with backs available. No ID necessary for entry. Please contact bas3@intra.udk-berlin.de for more information.
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