Ruedi Häusermann
The Swiss composer Rudi Häusermann worked as a Senior Fellow together with the fellows of the Graduate School over the turn of the years 2011/12.
Rudi Häusermann was born in Lenzburg (Switzerland) in 1948. He has been working on musical projects for many years, where text, sound, image and scene are combined in a unique way. As a musician (clarinet and flute) he has been collaborated with Martin Schütz, Urs Blöchlinger, Marco Käppeli and Martin Hägler. Since 1992 he has been developing his own theatre pieces i.e. at Theater Neumarkt Zurich, Volksbühne Berlin und Schauspielhaus Berlin.
2011 he was awarded the Art Award of the cityy of Zurich. Selection of works.: „Verneigung vor Valentin“ (Theater Basel 2005), „Gewähltes Profil: Lautlos“ (schauspielhannover 2006), „Ängelrain“ (Landschaftstheater Lenzburg 2006), „Wenn eine Dolores heisst, muss sie noch lange nicht schön sein“ (Schauspielhaus Zürich 2007), „Über Tiere“ (Burgtheater Wien – Text by Elfriede Jelinek), „Randolphs Erben“ (Staatsoper Stuttgart 2009), „Der Hodler“ (Schauspielhaus Zürich 2010) and „Der Gang zum Patentamt“ (2010 – Koproduktion HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Wiener Festwochen und UdK Berlin/KlangKunstBühne).