Final Digital Event "The Knowledge of the Arts is a Verb"
2021 will see the Research Training Group reach its conclusion after nine years of interdisciplinary research.
Lecture series, conferences and workshops organized by the DFG Research Training Group since 2012.
Please note that some of the information in our event archive is available only in German.
2021 will see the Research Training Group reach its conclusion after nine years of interdisciplinary research.
with Kirsten Reese und Alberto de Campo on Artistic Production and Sound Research. In German. Limited space - registration required!
With William Kentridge on Artistic Production and Knowledge Practices. Limited space - registration required!
With Monica Bonvicini on artistic production, knowledge and gender politics. Limited space - registration required!
With Maque Pereyra Yoggaton Workshop co-curated by Verena Melgarejo Weinandt. Limited space - registration required!
Performative study session by Jota Mombaça Curated by Juana Awad. Limited space: first come first served – Registration required until 21. Nov.
Live digital lecture by Mansoor Adayfi, moderated by Sebastian Köthe. In English – Registration is necessary!
Lecture series of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” in cooperation with Studium Generale
Internal meeting of the DFG-Research Training Group / invitation only
Sonic Metaphysics. Sound and Time Beyond the Human
mit Adam Jasper und Stefan Neuner
Causality, imperceptibility, and the Anthropocene as a problem of aesthetics
Exhibition and launch of issue #8 of the online publication wissenderkuenste.de
Workshop of the International Network for Media Philosophy in cooperation with the DFG Research Training Group "Knowledge in the Arts"
Exploring, interacting and interpreting non-institutionalized knowledge systems – a presentation by and discussion with filmmaker Nilanjan Bhattacharya
Event of the series WISSEN DER KÜNSTE: of DFG-Graduiertenkolleg in cooperation with Volksbühne Berlin
Workshop with Erika Balsom, Karolin Schwarz, Robert Trafford.
Artistic-Academic Symposium of the DFG research training group “Knowledge in the Arts”, Berlin University of the Arts, June 28/29, 2019 at / in cooperation with District Berlin
Learning from Latin American decolonial theories, curatorial and artistic practices.
Conversation with Emily Apter (New York University), Annika Haas (Research Group “Knowledge in the Arts” / UdK Berlin), Moritz Gansen (diffrakt / TU Darmstadt).
New Series by the DFG Research Training Group "Knowledge in the Arts" in cooperation with the Volksbühne Berlin
Workshop with Sabine Nessel (FU Berlin).
Lecture Series of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” in cooperation with Studium Generale
The DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” invites within the framework of the lecture series "Violence in the Arts" to "Invisible knowledge – disrupting the colonial project with methodologies of the crossroads"
Internal meeting of the DFG-Research Training Group
The DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” invites within the framework of the lecture series "Violence in the Arts" to "Artists as Historians: A Workshop with Black Athena Collective"
Workshop and Panel in cooperation with diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie
Annual Conference of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts”. With appropriation, mediation, and figuration, the conference will discuss three epistemic ways of relating and the promises and ambivalences that are bound up with each of them.
How do the arts translate a knowledge of violence into heterogeneous social publics? Where do violence and power themselves operate aesthetically in order to evade detection, maximize their effect, or gain legitimacy?
The conference will focus on clarifying concepts of postcoloniality and decoloniality.
Looking at Harun Farocki's oeuvre, this workshop delves firstly into questions of processing and attention generation in the exhibition and cinema contexts.
Lecture Series of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” in cooperation with the Studium Generale
Interne Klausurtagung „Dissertations-Schreibwerkstatt“ des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs
SAVVY Contemporary - Weekly film series, Session N°46: SAMBIZANGA with Prof. Dr. Barbara Gronau and Dr. Maja Figg
Dec, 10th Lecture and Dec, 11th 2018 Workshop by Ruth Sonderegger
Symposium des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs "Das Wissen der Künste"
halb-öffentlicher Workshop mit Dr. Lutz Hengst und Margarita Tsomou
Annika Haas erkundet Übergänge zwischen Schreiben und Sprechen, Text und Klang. Eine Kooperation mit der Graduiertenschule der UdK Berlin
Gastvortrag von Drew Thompson, veranstaltet von der AG „Dekoloniale Ästhetiken“ des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“
Interdisziplinärer Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs "Das Wissen der Künste"
Das Dokumentieren ist aus den Wissenschaften und den Künsten nicht mehr wegzudenken. Montags, 18–20 Uhr (14-tgl.)
Klausurtagung des Graduiertenkollegs und der Graduiertenschule
Die Jahrestagung des Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“ fragt nach einem Wissen im Plural.
Workshop mit Dr. Michaela Wünsch (Gastwissenschaftlerin am Graduiertenkolleg)
together with the research project “Knowing From the Inside” at the University of Aberdeen
The project is about the practices of inquiry in the human sciences and the forms of knowledge to which they give rise. Its fundamental premise is that knowledge grows from our practical and observational engagement with beings and things around us. Workshop "Übungspraxis. Schnittstellen von Wissensgenerierung und Subjektbildung" 13. Juni 2016 Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs "Das Wissen der Künste" in Kooperation mit dem Arbeitsbereich "Antike Religion und Kultur sowie deren Rezeptionsgeschichte" des Instituts für Religionswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin Workshop "Performance und Architektur – Realisationen (in) der Fotografie?" 7. und 8. April 2016 Interdisziplinärer Workshop des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“ für Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen
Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs "Das Wissen der Künste" in Kooperation mit dem Arbeitsbereich "Antike Religion und Kultur sowie deren Rezeptionsgeschichte" des Instituts für Religionswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin
Interdisziplinärer Workshop des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Das Wissen der Künste“ für Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen