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Club of Im_possibilities

with Nuray Demir (artist, curator) / District * School Without Center

in German

The Club of Im_Possibilities is a space of assembly and reflection at the end of the symposium – being guest and at the same time host of sharing / learning possibilities of (self-)care are tested. All participants are invited to stay, to discuss and to drink Çay together. Finally, in the performance The Alphabet of Fame an alphabet of resistance and empowerment is written, an alternative canon rewritten, which is inscribed in the walls of Malzfabrik and with the help of the guests into the collective consciousness. 

Nuray Demir is an artist / curator in the field of visual, performing / performative arts. Her practice is characterized by a researching and radically transdisciplinary approach. For her projects she works collaboratively with people from different fields, with whom she forms temporary ensembles. In her work, she deals in particular with debates and concepts of feminist and postcolonial theory. Nuray Demir's work is characterized by a critical view of social exclusions and complex hierarchical relationships; with her work, she creates artistic irritations and counter-positions and thus formulates a space of imagination and empowerment for social equality. She has realized projects at various institutions, such as Kampnagel in Hamburg, at Sophiensaele in Berlin, Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin and at the Wiener Festwochen. Also, she brings her approaches to teaching, for example at the Berlin University of the Arts.