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Peripheral Visions

Heide Barranechea, Marcel Finke, Moritz Schumm, eds., Periphere Visionen: Wissen an den Rändern von Fotografie und Film (Peripheral visions: knowledge at the edges of photography and film), Paderborn: Fink Verlag, 2016.

Volume two of the book series published by the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts” with Wilhelm Fink Verlag. The series is edited by Barbara Gronau and Kathrin Peters, and the books are designed by Jenny Baese.

With contributions from Emmanuel Alloa, Volker Pantenburg, Martina Dobbe, Eileen Rositzka, Antonia von Schöning, Lilian Haberer and Hanno Berger.

Contributions on Opus

Knowing and seeing stand in an intimate relationship to each other. Yet their relationship is in no way direct or unequivocal; it is always mediated and exhibits sharp edges. This edited volume examines this equally complex and many-sided relationship. It examines this topic be examining the media of photography and film, which have decisively contributed to the topos of visual evidence.  From this point of departure, the book's essays problematize the simplifying equivalence of visibility and knowledge (or nonvisibility and nonknowledge). In addition, they examine simplifying acts of drawing borders between visible and invisible, or between knowing and not knowing.

The volume clarifies the fact that at all places where knowledge transcends seeing or seeing transcends knowledge, zones of possibility open up, creating diffuse edges of uncertainty in the visual field and in the realm of knowledge.

This edited volume examines this equally complex and many-sided relationship. It examines this topic through the example of the media of photography and film, which have decisively contributed to the topos of visual evidence through their supposed realism, their objectivity, and their indexicality. The book's essays aim to critically question the simplifying equivalence of visibility and knowledge (or nonvisibility and nonknowledge). At the same time, it investigates simplifying acts of drawing borders between visible and invisible, or between knowing and not knowing. Since everywhere that knowledge transcends seeing or seeing transcends knowledge, zones of potentiality open up, creating diffuse edges of uncertainty in the visual field and in the realm of knowledge.

Further information about the book can be found here.

Table of contens

"Einleitung. Periphere Visionen, Wissen und die Denkfigur des Randes" ­­– Heide Barrenechea, Marcel Finke, Moritz Schumm, Barbara Gronau, Kathrin Peters DOI

"Vorwort zur Schriftenreihe" – Barbara Gronau, Kathrin Peters 


"An den Rändern der Sichtbarkeit." – Emmanuel Alloa

"Die Peripherie abtasten. Zum Blickregime des horizontalen Kameraschwenks" – Volker Pantenburg DOI

„Was eigentlich interessiert, scheint immer gerade neben oder hinter dem Gezeigten zu liegen.“
Ausgestellte Un/Sichtbarkeiten der Fotografie. – Martina Dobbe DOI

"Glas, Glanz, Gleißen. Randbemerkungen zur Fotografie." – Marcel Finke DOI


"Hinter den Spiegeln. Virtualität, Rekursion und virtuelle Bilder im 19. Jahrhundert." – Eva Wilson 

"Corpographische Koordinaten. Zero Dark Thirty und United 93 zwischen Sehen, Hören und Wissen." – Eileen Rositzka DOI

"'The beginning of the end of the end of the beginning has begun.'
Sehen und Wissen an den Rändern von Wes Andersons
The Grand Budapest Hotel" – Moritz Schumm DOI

"Ränder des Urbanen. Zur Politik des städtischen Raums bei Michel de Certeau und Bruno Latour." – Antonia von Schöning DOI


"Stateless State. Marginale Bewegungen, Handlungsformen des Fiktionalen und Politischen in Eric Baudelaires Letters to Max." – Lilian Haberer 

"Hybride Sichtbarkeit. Irritierende Uneindeutigkeiten in der frühen palästinensischen Bildnisfotografie." – Heide Barrenechea 

"Bilder des Protests. Über die „Woman in the Blu Bra“ und relationale Zeugenschaft" – Kathrin Peters DOI

"Pascals Wette, die Revolution und V for Vendetta." – Hanno Berger 


source: Gestaltung: Jenny Baese