Are you ready to thread
Are you ready to thread? - Changemakers for Democracy" is an agency for shaping transformation.
Numerous students and alumni have so far been supported by the Career & Transfer Service Center. Whether through advice on setting up a company or a business, inclusion in the coaching program, the Berlin start-up scholarship or support with the EXIST application: successful founders from all creative industries can look back on support from the CTC.
Are you ready to thread? - Changemakers for Democracy" is an agency for shaping transformation.
Findus is an urban piece of furniture for social exchange and the local circular economy in the neighborhood.
The handmade value label shows influences from Kurdish culture in high-quality, gender-neutral individual pieces.
AUTEL is a completely new form of wedding wear that focuses on inclusion and fluidity.
nound offers pinpoint micro-learning for audio creators.
What is the most comfortable mouse? Of course, a mouse that adapts 100% to the shape of your hand.
The foldable washbasin from VLOOW is an alternative to conventional porcelain or stainless steel objects.
AUTEL is a completely new form of wedding wear that focuses on inclusion and fluidity.
Findus is an urban piece of furniture for social exchange and the local circular economy in the neighborhood.
Are you ready to thread? - Changemakers for Democracy" is an agency for shaping transformation.
The handmade value label shows influences from Kurdish culture in high-quality, gender-neutral individual pieces.
nound offers pinpoint micro-learning for audio creators.
What is the most comfortable mouse? Of course, a mouse that adapts 100% to the shape of your hand.
The foldable washbasin from VLOOW is an alternative to conventional porcelain or stainless steel objects.
The First Aid Gloves should help, give courage and ultimately save lives.
„Vorkoster“ is a lid that makes the expiry of food visible.
1×1 is a platform and brand for customisable and sustainable products with high design standards.
Game Sprint is a process framework for the modular development of serious games.
Futurized Outerwear redefines newness in times of material scarcity.
Re:tie offers up cycled, hand-knotted and locally produced carpets and home textiles from post-consumer and pre-consumer textile waste from German households and companies.
The Kindkind is a phygital textile agency; combining physical garments with playful digital experiences to deepen the bond between clothes and wearer.
Urbane Moore develops technical solutions for green roof and façade systems with a modular design.
The idea of MVMENT is that human body movements can be translated into harmonious melodies.
Case Study House #29: Earth, Straw, Wood serves as a prototype for a single-family house that addresses the pressing needs for affordable housing, ecological sustainability and spatial generosity.
Careture identifys the lack of men’s representation in the predominantly female oriented childcare industry.
Die bedruckten medizinischen Latexhandschuhe "First Aid Gloves" schaffen mittels international verständlicher Piktogramme einen sicheren und intuitiven Handlungsrahmen, in dem eine hektische Notfallsituation bewältigt werden kann.
Der Vorkoster ist ein Produkt, das den Verfall von Lebensmitteln farblich sichtbar macht. Er wird verwendet als Deckel für alle möglichen Behälter, in denen Lebensmittel aufbewahrt werden.
1×1 is a platform and brand for customisable and sustainable products with high design standards.
TRUE I DEEM will den Mangel an Produkten für Männer auf dem bisher stark weiblich geprägten Baby Markt identifizieren.
The idea of MVMENT is that human body movements can be translated into harmonious melodies.
1×1 ist eine Plattform und Marke für individuell anpassbare und besonders nachhaltige Produkte mit hohem Design-Anspruch.
The Kindkind is a phygital textile agency; combining physical garments with playful digital experiences to deepen the bond between clothes and wearer.
Urbane Moore develops technical solutions for green roof and façade systems with a modular design.
Re:tie will offer up cycled, hand-knotted and locally produced carpets and home textiles from post-consumer and pre-consumer textile waste from German households and companies.
Case Study House #29: Earth, Straw, Wood serves as a prototype for a single-family house that addresses the pressing needs for affordable housing, ecological sustainability and spatial generosity.
The project RE.LICS aims at developing vessels made of recycled porcelain which extend the lifetime of fruits and vegetables.
CLR Outdoor is a lightweight and compact folding kayak for carefree trips to the water.
POCKET REFORM is an open source minicomputer that gives users back this control and at the same time is durable due to its modular design.
Cami is a BabyCarrier made for outdoor enthusiasts and friends of the active lifestyle.
DisPlay is generating an interactive experience based on sensor technology and hypermedia.
farvel is a virtual 3D place of farewell.
I M R X is a new media group dedicate to combining the physical world with the virtual world.
"SOLUBLE SOLUTION" has succeeded in creating a watersoluble, sustainable, renewable, biodegradable, nature-friendly and recyclable bioplastic as an alternative to conventional plastic for packaging.
FUTURE CRAFT is a new and digital process and printing technology that uses latex to manufacture garments.
Das Projekt RELICS beschäftigt sich mit der Weiterentwicklung von Gefäßen aus recyceltem Porzellan, die eine längere Haltbarkeit von Obst und Gemüse ermöglichen.
CLR Outdoor ist ein leichtes und kompaktes Faltkajak für unbeschwerte Ausflüge zum Wasser.
POCKET REFORM ist ein modularer Taschencomputer, der wie ein Baukastensystem funktioniert. Mit einem zirkulären Designansatz wird es als Produkt der Kreislaufwirtschaft entwickelt und wirkt so dem rasanten Anstieg des Elektroschrotts entgegen.
Cami ist eine BabyTrage für Outdoor-Enthusiasten und Freunde des aktiven Lifestyles.
DisPlay hat das Ziel, die ausgestellte Ware im Schaufenster optimal zum Vorschein zu bringen, über das Generieren eines interaktiven Erlebnisses.
Farvel ist die Antwort auf die Frage: Kann das deutsche Bestattungswesen im Kontext der digitalen Transformation innoviert werden.
IMRX ist ein Mixed Reality Escape Room.
Klangkünstler*innen können mit PLONK die volle klangliche Bandbreite erforschen und in ihren eigenen Workflow einbinden.
"Eine lösliche Lösung" hat es geschafft, ein naturfreundliches, erneuerbares, abbaubares und wieder verwertbares Material aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen zu entwickeln.
FUTURE CRAFT ist eine neuartige und digitale Verfahrens- und Drucktechnik, die Latex zur Herstellung von Kleidungsstücken nutzt.
FOERSTERLING offers multifunctional and modular pieces of jewellery with an innovative design made of recycled precious metals.
Open Celluloid enables to convert analog film projectors into film digitizers.
Neo-conscious streetwear with variable fits through smart cutting technique and high-quality workmanship combined with GOT-certified materials.
Animations connected to a database for realtime content updates.
CROWD WEAVING bundles the projects of several designers and turns them into a profitable contract for the weaving mills
Hybrids between paper and electronic components teach the basics of electronics in a playful way.
A stylish raincoat made of biodegradable agricultural film.
A hybrid of remnants of famous glass artworks and a fine, colored concrete matrix.
Pellta is a security system for computers and smartphones that increases the security of digital devices.
M3erlin is an innovative 3D printing concept designed specifically for educational institutions and newcomers.
The SHITSHOW uses objects to simulate depression and anxiety disorders.
Airborne's NTMI - NonTrivial Music Instrument - is a novel digital musical instrument that offers a unique form of intuitive gestural playing through its wireless interface and special software architecture.
Companion adapts lighting to dynamic office infrastructures.
Future Saurier is a digital platform for contemporary book design.
www.feuerwerkautomat.de consists of an APP and a web platform where fireworks can be organized, ordered and paid for.
Ra(h)menschuh is a newly developed construction for shoes.
Nulight combines illuminants with luminaires and enables the individual shaping of light objects in three-dimensional space.
Urban Terrazzo transforms architectural demolition of an expressive surface material for design and architecture.
Frame is a frame-based modular furniture System.