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Are you ready to thread

source: Are you ready to thread
source: Axl Jansen

Founders: Paula Keilholz und Isabell Schnalle

Mentor: Prof. Gesche Joost und Bianca Herlo

funded by: Creative Prototyping x Sustainability - das Berliner Startup Stipendium an der UdK

The agency "Are you ready to thread" aims to create long-term collaborations and robust connections between artists and designers as change agents to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other representatives of civil society. The aim is to promote an opportunity for action for democratic processes and new economic paradigms.

Our desire as designers is to choose our clients based on values and not purely on profits and so we use our "designerly ways of knowing" to advise NGOs on their campaign goals, in the conception of actions or also fundamentally on their mediation work.

The Berlin Startup Scholarship is funded by the European Social Fund and the State of Berlin (Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises).

source: ESF