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source: Sebastian Müller-Tiburtius
source: Sebastian Müller-Tiburtius

Founders: SebastianMüller-Tiburtius und Laurenz Blaser 

Mentor: Prof. Holger Neumann

funded by:  Creative Prototyping x Sustainability - das Berliner Startup Stipendium an der UdK


Findus is an urban piece of furniture: an exchange cabinet for public spaces where neighborhoods can give and take clothes and objects. A place that promotes the local circular economy in neighborhoods and communities and underlines the character of a social meeting point with its integrated seating.

The design of the Findus is based on four principles: stability, modularity, mobility and visibility. The cabinet is stable and robust enough for public spaces. Different modules can be used to respond to the needs of different neighborhoods. Findus creates a fixed point of contact for the local barter economy in neighborhoods.

The Berlin Startup Scholarship is funded by the European Social Fund and the State of Berlin (Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises).


source: ESF