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handmade value

source: handmade value
source: handmade value

Founders:  Sezgin Kivrim und Angelina Schwarzkopf

Mentor:   Prof. Waldemar (Wowo) Kraus

funded by:  Creative Prototyping x Sustainability - das Berliner Startup Stipendium an der UdK


At a time when trends are changing faster than ever before, production cycles are constantly shortening, resulting in a flood of new collections. This dynamic has an impact on consumers' emotional appreciation of and attachment to their clothing. 

The handmade value label aims to produce high-quality, gender-neutral individual items primarily by hand. These are produced using traditional handicraft techniques, primarily knitting and crocheting. Influences from Sezgin Kivrim's Kurdish culture are also an important design element. The project aims to contribute to the diversity and visibility of the Kurdish minority in the very exclusive fashion industry. The aim is to reinterpret the perception of handicraft and make it more sought-after.

The Berlin Startup Scholarship is funded by the European Social Fund and the State of Berlin (Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises).

source: ESF