For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Please ckeck the german page for important documents and forms

Please check the german page for important documents and forms

Part-time study

Application for part-time study (english version)

From now on, the UdK Berlin will no longer ask for the reason for part-time study. Therefore, no corresponding proof needs to be submitted.

Note 1:
The IPA, to whom the part-time application must be sent by e-mail or post, will inform the degree programme about the application and, if necessary, the programme will agree on a study plan with the student (important for individual lessons and teaching assignments in the degree programmes). It is therefore advisable to agree on an appropriate study plan with the degree programme before submitting the application and to attach it to the application.

Note 2:
Students who require a visa for their stay in Germany should, if possible, clarify with the Berlin State Office for Immigration (Landesamt für Einwanderung) before applying for part-time study at the UdK whether their reason for part-time study is sufficient so that the existing visa does not expire. It is recommended to get this in writing.

The Berlin State Office for Immigration (Landesamt für Einwanderung) is authorised to find out the reason for the desired part-time study and to obtain proof of this.
Please note: The change in the scope of your studies per semester (part-time studies) must be reported to the Berlin State Office for Immigration (Landesamt für Einwanderung). The UdK cannot guarantee that your visa will remain valid after changing the scope of your studies.

double degree (two different study programmes)

Application for double degree (two different study programmes)

Please submit copies of the relevant evidence of your current level of achievement with the application (certificates of achievement, module sheets or overview of achievements / transcript of records).

Subsequent applications/extensions will only be processed once the current transcripts of records are available for both study programmes.

Information O.A.Se-Account

Interesting facts about the O.A.Se account and what you can do with it can be found here

more detailed informationen you will find here

Health insurance info for Students

Information on health insurance for students and contact details of various contact persons can be found here

Accident report for students

Information on accident reports for students and the corresponding form can be found here.

Vornamens- und/oder Genderänderung

Sollten Sie Ihren Vornamen und/oder Ihr Geschlecht auf den Dokumenten der UdK Berlin ändern wollen, finden Sie hier einen Antrag, welchen Sie im Anschluss vollständig ausgefüllt und unterschrieben an das IPA der UdK Berlin per Post senden müssten. 

Beachten Sie bitte die rechtlichen Auswirkungen des Antrags.

Nach Änderung der Dokumente, kontaktieren wir Sie bezüglich der Abholung und des Austausches des aktuellen Semestertickets. Neue Studienbescheinigungen können Sie sich unter nach der Änderung herunterladen.