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Exam module German C1

Who can participate?

The course is aimed at international students at UdK Berlin with previous knowledge at B2 level who have been enrolled for a limited period of time and have to prove German language skills at C1 level.


Please register online via Berlin Career College

Course dates

C1 courses during lecture period:
8 teaching units on 2 days per week
Starting 18.04.2023
Tue / Thu, 10.00 – 13.15


Assessment ("Sprachnachweis")

The course is assessed through a language portfolio that demonstrates the student's language proficiency. The portfolio includes written work, audio or audio-visual assessments and oral assignments completed in class.

Successful completion of the portfolio will prove effective operational proficiency (C1) in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). This will be accepted internally by UdK Berlin as proof of language proficiency (“Sprachnachweis”).



Course coordinator: Dr Corinna Whyment

Course administration: Barbara Schmarsow

Contact: deutschkurse_

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