German Courses
German courses for students at UdK Berlin
The course is aimed at international students at UdK Berlin with previous knowledge at B1.2 level who have been enrolled for a limited period of time and have to prove German language skills at B2 level. If you do not yet have B1.2 knowledge, please take the B1 course first.
You can register online through Berlin Career College. There you will also find all current information on costs, course times, etc.
There will be two courses "German B2 for international UdK students" during the summer semester 2025:
German B2 for international UdK students (course 1)
Course period: 22.04. - 17.07.25
every Tuesday and Thursday 16 - 19:15 o'clock
Course venue: Bundesallee 1-12, 10719 Berlin
Registration deadline: 25.03.25
German B2 for international UdK students (course 2)
Course period: 22.04. - 17.07.25
every Tuesday and Thursday, 09:30 - 12:45 o'clock
Course venue: Bundesallee 1-12, 10719 Berlin
Registration deadline: 25.03.25
Preliminary online meeting: 24.03.25, 10 - 11 am
Meeting link: https://udk-berlin.webex.com/meet/ziw-daf
Students already on the waiting list will be given priority when registering if they register by 19.03.25.
Course fee including exam: 200 €
Payment in two installments is possible.
After your registration you will receive an invoice with all payment information by e-mail.
The course is assessed through a language portfolio that demonstrates the student's language proficiency. The portfolio includes written work, audio or audio-visual assessments and oral assignments completed in class.
Successful completion of the portfolio will prove independent use of the language (B2) in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This will be accepted internally by UdK Berlin as proof of language proficiency (“Sprachnachweis”).
Course coordinator: Dr Corinna Whyment
Course administration: Barbara Schmarsow
Contact: deutschkurse @udk-berlin.de