What are the Beyond UdK_Talks and who are they for?
Which paths lead from studies into the independent scene? How can artistic independence be organised after graduation? Where can young artists get advice and coaching for their projects?
1 June, 6 - 8:30 pm:
Alumni talks with Wicki Bernhardt, Jason Corff, Aliénor Dauchez, Camille Chapon
2 June, 10 am - 1 pm:
Experts’ roundtable with Chang Nai Wen (Production Platform SdF), Daniel Belasco Rogers & Sophia New (performance duo plan_b / UdK), Eva-Maria Hoerster (HZT), Christin Eckart (Performing Arts Programm Berlin), Alexander Kirchner (Sophiensaele)
Wicki Bernhardt
Wicki Bernhardt studied Music and Movement at UdK Berlin and then Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen. Together with Janna Pinsker as the performance duo PINSKER+BERNHARDT, she develops pieces for a young and mixed-age audience. Her works have been shown at the Mousonturm Frankfurt, the FFT Düsseldorf, the Junge Nationaltheater Mannheim and the Hessisches Landestheater Marburg.
Jason Corff
Jason Corff received his MA in Solo Dance Authorship at Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz (HZT) Berlin. He is a founding member of Mineralwasser Kollektiv and has appeared in Berlin at Uferstudios, University Library of TU/UdK and Sophiensaele. Prior to his 2018 relocation to Berlin, Jason spent more than 15 years in New York City working in the field of interior design in addition to dance and choreography.
Aliénor Dauchez
Aliénor Dauchez is a visual artist, director and artistic director of La Cage. She studied Fine Arts at UdK Berlin with Gregor Schneider and at the Beaux-Arts in Paris with Giuseppe Penone. She was assistant to Anna Viebrock, Sasha Waltz and Heiner Goebbels. In 2017, she was a fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart and in 2018 in the Berlin Program for Artists. Aliénor Dauchez is artiste associée 2019-2021 at the French State Theatre La Rose des Vents, Scène Nationale Lille Métropole - Villeneuve d'Ascq, directed by Marie Didier.
Camille Chapon
Camille Chapon / Jofe D'mahl is an artist based in Berlin. He studied Fine Art at the Ecole supérieure d’art et de design – ESAD-GV in France as well as Dance, Context, Choreography at HZT Berlin. He is director, curator and host of the Cabaret "Carte Blanche" for mixed performances. He is also a member of the performance trio "Eternuer", together with Bruno Ducret and Tom Bouët, and teaches improvisation workshops for children and adults.
Sophia New & Daniel Belasco Rogers
Sophia New and Daniel Belasco Rogers are the British-German performance duo plan b. They have realised numerous projects (performances, installations, interventions) for cities, festivals and galleries. Both teach regularly at various universities, Sophia at the HZT Berlin since 2012. Since winter semester 2020/21, they have been guest professors of Interdisciplinary Artistic Practice and Theory in the Studium Generale at UdK Berlin.
Chang Nai Wen
Chang Nai Wen works internationally as a director, producer, actor and intercultural mediator in theatre, film and live art. After her studies in Directing at the Theaterakademie Hamburg, she founded the independent production platform SdF in Berlin. She is a member of the International Forum of Theatertreffen and the Independent Performing Arts Association (LAFT) in Berlin, the Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab in New York and founding member of the international directing collective "WorldWideLab".
Eva-Maria Hoerster
Eva-Maria Hoerster works at the Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT) as a project developer, coordinator and lecturer. From its foundation in 2006 to 2013, she was the managing director of the HZT. She was artistic director of the Tanzfabrik Berlin, co-initiator of the "TanzNacht Berlin" and the forum "Tanz made in Berlin" and co-curator for the TanzNächte 2000-04. Eva-Maria Hoerster is a member of the Council for the Arts.
Christin Eckart
Christin Eckart works at the Information Center & Mentoring Programme of the Performing Arts Programm (PAP) Berlin.
Alexander Kirchner
Alexander Kirchner has been part of the dramaturgy team of Sophiensaele since 2015. He studied theatre studies in Leipzig, Berlin and Ghent and subsequently worked with Rimini Protokoll, Hans-Werner Krösinger and matthaei&konsorten, among others, on site-specific and research-based projects.