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Student Exchange Coordinators in the Colleges

Fine Arts
Prof. Josephine Pryde 
Akiko Bernhöft
Axel Haagen
Christoph Manz

Studentische Hilfskraft: Vero Haas

Art in Context
Karina Griffith
from spring term 25: Julia Grosse

Saqib Aziz (Incomings)
Jamila Loutfi (Outgoings)

Student Assistant: Edwin Pfeffer

Visual Communication / Art and Media
Prof. Franziska Morlok
Roman Wilhelm

Student Assistant: Antonia Castellanos

Product Design
Sarah-Lena Walf
Žarko Dumičić

Fashion Design
Prof. Berit Greinke

Design & Computation
Albert Lang

Communication in Social and Economic Contexts (GWK)
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Wächter
Timo Freye

Student Assistant: Merya Yildiz

Prof. Björn Lehmann (Artistic Training)
Prof. Enno Granas (Teacher Training)

Student Assistant: Jens Ginge Skov

Vocal Studies and Musical Theatre
Prof. Deborah York

Student Assistant: Jens Ginge Skov

Stage Design
Anna Bergel

Stage Costume
Petra Peters

Creative Writing for the Stage
Prof. Dr. John von Düffel

Simon Schlingplässer 

Dance (HZT)
Eva-Maria Hoerster

Theatre Education
Laia Ribera

Jazz (JIB)
Björn Sickert