Study Completion Grants for International Students (STIBET I)

We are offering 10 scholarships - Application deadline on 15 April 2025!

  • Study completion grants are intended for international students who will take their final examinations at UdK Berlin within one year from the application deadline (BA, MA, Absolvent,  master student). They aim to provide talented and financially disadvantaged international students with financial support to help them focus on preparing for their exams.

    These study completion grants are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA) as part of the STIBET I programme. The STIBET I programme is advertised annually.


  • The scholarship is € 900 in total, paid in two monthly instalments of € 450 each.


    • You don’t have the German citizenship (including an "Einbürgerung" during the scholarship period) and you have not obtained your university entrance qualification (Abitur or Fachabitur) in Germany (Bildungsausländer*innen).
    • You will take your final exam at UdK Berlin within one year from the application deadline.
    • Your are enrolled or rückgemeldet (no Urlaubssemester /semester leave!).
    • You are facing financial difficulties.
    • You have not received any DAAD or "Deutschlandstipendium" scholarships. BAföG recipients are allowed to apply. 
  • The application procedure is as follows:

    • Register and authenticate yourself in the MoveON-Portal (click on Studienabschluss-Stipendium and then on START).
    • Fill in the online form and upload your application documents (letter of recommendation, monthly expenses, bank statements).

    After you have submitted your application online, you will receive an automatic acknowledgement of receipt.

  • There are two application deadline each year:

    • Summer semester: 15 April.
    • Winter semester: 15 September