New at UdK?
A first orientation guide for new international students with information on important events, services and contact addresses.
From 2018 to 2023, the ‘Intercultural Diversity’ project (IkuDi for short) was funded as a pilot project in the DAAD's Stibet 2 programme line. It is based at the International Office and works closely with the Intercultural Mentoring programme of Studium Generale. During the course of the project, the programmes for international students were evaluated and comprehensively expanded. The network of staff and students founded as a result of the project to improve the welcoming culture at UdK Berlin is still active.
These pages contain information for international students, particularly on starting their studies, and on the project's areas of work in general.
A first orientation guide for new international students with information on important events, services and contact addresses.
An overview of the service points of UdK Berlin that advise and support students.
Information on the network group "Intercultural Diversity and Welcome Culture" and on offers of further training.
An overview of contact options, our newsletter and social media channels.
Professionalising one's own artistic practice: Talks with alumni and representatives of the arts and culture sectors