Welcome Week
Information about the various events of the Welcome Week for new international students
The following service points advise all students of UdK Berlin. They are also listed with contact details on our Hello@UdK flyer.
Do you have questions about your visa or residence permit, work, scholarships, German courses or your life in Berlin? This is the first point of contact for all international students and applicants.
Website: https://www.udk-berlin.de/service/international-office/international-student-services/
aaa @udk-berlin.de
+49 (0)30 3185 2281
You can contact the study advisors with all your questions and problems concerning your studies, such as exam stress or changing your course of study or universities.
Website: www.udk-berlin.de/studienberatung
studienberatung @udk-berlin.de
+49 (0)30 3185 2780
If you have questions about the organization of your studies, your timetable or exams, you can contact the course guidance for your study programme:
You are not sure where to go with your question? The StudyGuide is your first point of contact for general questions about applying to or studying at UdK Berlin, e.g. enrolment, part-time studies or replacement of a lost semester ticket.
Website: www.udk-berlin.de/studyguide
studyguide @udk-berlin.de
+49 (0)30 3185 1480
IPA is your most important contact point for enrolment, re-registration, examination matters, issuing of certificates as well as de-registration.
To find out who the right contact person is for your course of study, please consult the IPA website.
Website: www.udk-berlin.de/ipa
At the CTC, you will find support for starting your professional life and self-employment through workshops, one-to-one advice and coaching. The services are free for all UdK students and graduates up to 5 years after graduation. On the CTC website you can also find the Stellenticket, an online platform for jobs and internships.
Website: www.udk-berlin.de/ctc
career @udk-berlin.de
+49 (0)30 3185 1467
The central women’s representative and the women’s representatives of the faculties offer advice and support in all matters of gender (in)equality, the advancement of women, sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination.
Website: www.udk-berlin.de/universitaet/gleichstellungspolitik
Flyer "The Women's Representatives"
frauenbeauftragte @udk-berlin.de
+49 (0)30 3185 2714
Students and prospective students with disabilities and chronic diseases should contact Christian Schmidts. He advises on questions regarding your application, the organisation of your studies and examinations.
Website: https://www.udk-berlin.de/service/barrierefreies-studium/
teilhabe @udk-berlin.de
+49 (0) 1525 3088865
At UdK Berlin there are numerous student initiatives and representations, which you can also contact for support or to become an active member yourself. A good overview can be found on the website of the Architecture degree programme.
The Students’ Council (AStA) is elected by the students themselves and represents all student interests. They are active in a range of university-related areas and also have Departments for Anti-discrimination, which can offer advice and support.
Website: www.asta-udk-berlin.de
antidisberatung @asta-udk-berlin.de
antidispolitik @asta-udk-berlin.de
Interflugs is a student organisation at UdK Berlin, which organises workshops and events and provides financial support for student projects. Interflugs also provides services such as an equipment loan and video editing spaces.
Website: www.interflugs.de
buero @interflugs.de
Information about the various events of the Welcome Week for new international students
IKM is a mentoring programme specifically for non-German students who are studying in their first or second semester at UdK Berlin.
An overview of the German courses and specialist language courses offered at UdK Berlin.
An overview of contact options, our newsletter and social media channels.