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Joint press release by the Senate Chancellery for Higher Education and Research and the State Conference of the Rectors and Presidents of the Higher Education Institutions in Berlin (LKRP)

Berlin universities extend the deadlines for theses and term papers

The Senate Chancellery for Higher Education and Research and the State Conference of the Rectors and Presidents of the Higher Education Institutions in Berlin (LKRP) have agreed that the Berlin colleges and universities will extend the deadlines for theses and term papers by another month, up until 30th June 2021. This grants students more time to complete their theses and term papers. In view of the significant decrease in the number of infections, universities and colleges are able to take first steps in opening up their operations as of today, Friday, 4th June 2021, while deploying hygiene concepts and test strategies. University libraries are being opened for in-person lending, and computer labs, workstations and laboratories can also be used again. Furthermore, practical formats in small groups of up to 25 people may also be carried out. This has been agreed upon by the Senate Chancellery for Higher Education and Research and the LKRP, and the SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Ordinance of the State of Berlin was amended to this effect this week. The maximum number of people allowed to take part in in-person formats will be increased to 40 this month.

Further information on the steps being taken to open up the Berlin universities and colleges

Press contacts:
Matthias Kuder
Press Spokesperson for Higher Education and Research
The Governing Mayor of Berlin
Senate Chancellery for Higher Education and Research
Tel: 030 9026-5010

Hans-Christoph Keller
Press Spokesperson
Head of the Communications and Media Unit
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Tel: 030 2093-12710