For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.

Registration and Examinations Office (IPA)

General information about the IPA

  • The Registration and Examination Office of the UdK Berlin is your point of contact for questions about applying to and studying at the UdK Berlin.
    You can contact us by e-mail, by phone or on in person. Among other things, we can help you with questions about the following topics:

    • Advice on special matters
    • Application procedure and admission
    • Registration, re-registration and leave of absence and part-time studies
    • Examination matters
    • issuing of notifications
    • Preparation of certificates and diplomas
    • Exmatriculations
    • Guest students
    • Replacement in case of loss of CampusCard
  • You are welcome to contact us by e-mail. 

    Please include your full name, application or matriculation number, as well as your course of study and intended degree in your e-mail.

    You will usually receive a response to your inquiry within one to five business days. Please be patient.

    If we are unable to answer your question, we will forward it to the appropriate colleagues at the UdK.

  • Universität der Künste Berlin
    Immatrikulations- und Prüfungsamt

    Einsteinufer 43
    10587 Berlin
    Bushaltestelle Marchbrücke (Linie 245)

    Sie finden uns im 4. Obergeschloss. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht notwendig.

  • Universität der Künste Berlin
    Immatrikulations- und Prüfungsamt
    Studiengang: ...
    Postfach 12 05 44
    D-10595 Berlin


    When sending in documents, please always indicate the study course in question.

  • Universität der Künste Berlin
    Immatrikulations- und Prüfungsamt
    Studiengang: ...
    Postfach 12 05 44
    D-10595 Berlin

    When sending in documents, please always indicate the study course in question.

Opening hours

  • Petra Suhl's office hours are currently cancelled on Thursdays. If possible, please come to the office hours on Tuesday or contact Mrs Suhl by e-mail or telephone.

    Please note the limited availability of individual colleagues during the semester break. 


    From 19 March 2025 to 25 March 2025, the IPA will be closed due to a relocation. We will only be available by email during this time.

  • You can usually reach us by phone every day (Monday to Friday). 
    Please have your application or matriculation number ready.
    If you are unable to reach us by phone, please feel free to email us.

    Please note:

    During office hours on site, it is not always possible for us to provide information over the phone. Therefore, please also call outside opening hours.

  • You can also address your request to us personally.

    Opening hours:

    Tuesday 12.00 h to 15.00 h

    Thursday 09.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

College of Fine Arts

College of Architecture, Media and Design

College of Music

College of Performing Arts

Berlin Career College

  • Jizet Matrousian
    tel. (030) 3185-2131


Inter-University Centres

Other contact persons

  • responsible for enrollment and exmatriculation

    Yasemin Wistuba
    tel. (030) 3185-1397
    e-mail stud23_

    If you have further questions about the application or the programme please check here:

    Graduate School

  • responsible for enrollment and exmatriculation

    Yasemin Wistuba
    tel. (030) 3185-1397
    e-mail stud23_

    If you have questiona about the internship in detail, please check the here:

    NaFöG (only in German)


  • Studium Generale Koordinationsbüro (coordination office)
    Hardenbergstr. 33, room 230
    10623 Berlin 

    Please note: Submit your performance records – completed and confirmed by the coordination office – at a member of the IPA team who is responsible for your study programme.

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