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Offers of the student welfare organization "StudierendenWERK BERLIN"

Empowerment workshops and courses for FLINTA* and LGBTQIA+ students

Ballroom Course & Sessions

Get to know the world of Ballroom - a form of dance and expression that has evolved from the LGBTQIA+ scene. This course and the subsequent sessions are all about self-expression, movement and empowerment in a safe space.

Ballroom course dates: weekly on Tuesdays from 15.10.2024 to 11.02.2025 from 7 to 9 pm.
Date Ballroom sessions: On 21.01.2025

FLINTA* Empowerment: Self-empowerment through dance

This course is aimed at FLINTA* students who want to discover their own potential through dance and movement. Each session will cover different topics such as taking up space, grounding and finding strength. No previous experience is required, no set steps or choreography will be taught.

Dates: On a total of 12 dates: 28 Oct - 16 Dec (7 dates), 13 Jan - 10 Feb (5 dates) from 12-13:30 each day
Further information and registration: FLINTA* Empowerment: Self empowerment through dance


Wendo course: Self-assertion and self-defence for FLINTA*

Wendo is a feminist concept for self-defence and self-assertion that addresses specific challenges tailored to FLINTA* people. The course teaches simple but effective techniques for asserting yourself in everyday life and in difficult situations.

Dates: The course will take place on 9 and 10 November from 11.00 to 16.30.
Further information and registration: Wendo-course: self-assertion and self-defence

Self-defence workshop - Empowerment for FLINTA* (in English)

A self-defence workshop offered specifically for FLINTA* people and in English. Participants learn self-defence techniques and how to act confidently in dangerous situations.

Date: 16.01.2025, 17.00-21.00 hrs
Further information and registration: FLINTA* Empowerment – Self-defence workshop  (English only)

writing counselling service of the studierendenWERK Berlin

The writing counselling service of the studierendenWERK Berlin helps and advises with all questions and problems related to academic writing. Various formats are offered, from individual consultations to text feedback and various group offers.

In September, there will again be a workshop offer.

You can find more information here.