For more detailed information, please change to the German version of this website.


On this page you will find information on the topic of "housing" as well as useful links to the free housing market, to halls of residence and also to youth hostels and hostels for shorter visits to Berlin.. It's always worth taking a look at the notice boards in Berlin's universities: There you can often find offers of shared flats or flats!

This list cannot claim to be complete, but it is a good basis for your search. Despite careful control, we do not assume any liability for the content of the external links that we list here.

Good luck and success in finding a flat!

studierendenWERK Berlin

The studierendenWERK BERLIN offers students attractive accommodation in almost all districts. You can find detailed information on the range of halls of residence on the website, where you can also conveniently apply for accommodation in the halls of residence portal.

However, you should definitely also look around the Berlin housing market at the same time. The studierendenWERK's housing exchange is a good place to start.


Berlin housing companies ("Wohnungsbaugesellschaften")

Here you will find an overview of Belin housing associations that may also offer affordable flats:

Youth Hostels / Hostels / Youth Guesthouses

Here are a few links to youth hostels/hostels and hotels for a short visit to the application, aptitude test or university visit.

Registration of apartment/address

Anyone moving into an apartment in Berlin must register their new address with the State Residents' Office no later than fourteen days after moving in. Late registration or failure to register are administrative offenses and can be punished with a fine!
To prevent this from happening in the first place, it is best to make an appointment online at / with a citizens' registration office.
Then go there with your passport or ID card, birth certificate and rental agreement. In addition, a written or electronic confirmation of moving in or out from the landlord/landlady must be presented. Attention: If you register the Berlin apartment only as a secondary residence, you will be liable to pay the tax on secondary residences, which in Berlin is currently 15% of the net cold rent!


Rent Index ("Mietspiegel")

The Berlin rent index can be found at: 

This indicates the comparative cold rent per m². You can calculate the comparative rent here, down to the street block, and thus obtain a valuation aid for the rents stated in the flat offer.

Housing permit ("Wohnberechtigungsschein")

For promoted apartments and social housing, you need a "Wohnberechtigungsschein (WBS)", which is issued to low-income earners and indicates the type and size of apartment for which it entitles you. You can apply for the WBS at the "Bürgeramt"  in your district. You will need an application form and a declaration of income (both forms available at ), as well as proof of income, identity card or passport, student ID and the registration certificate.

BAföG and Housing allowance ("Wohngeld")

Housing allowance ("Wohngeld")  is a governmental supplement to the rent to help people with lower incomes to get adequate housing.

Those who receive BAföG are generally not entitled to get additional benefits towards the costs of accommodation.
Please contact the studierendenWERK Berlin for questions regarding BAföG and housing allowance entitlement:

studierendenWERK BERLIN
Behrenstr. 40-41
10117 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 939 39 6000

If you are not entitled to BAföG on the merits, i.e. you have received a rejection notice that is not based on too high an income, you may still be entitled to a housing allowance. Responsible for housing subsidies in Berlin are the citizen's offices of the districts.

Applications can be found at:

You can calculate roughly how high a possible housing allowance claim is. On the pages of the Senate Department you can find more information about housing allowance.


Tenants' associations ("Mietervereine")

Tenants can obtain legal and professional help in rental matters from tenants' associations. For certain consultations, you have to be a member of a tenants' association, but this may be worthwhile, as tenants' associations specialize in this area and can offer sound legal advice and support in the event of a dispute.

Berliner Mieterverein e.V.
Spichernstr. 1
10777 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 226 26 0

Berliner Mietergemeinschaft e.V.
Möckernstr. 92
10963 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 216 80 01

Mieterschutzbund Berlin e.V.
Constance Str. 61
10707 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 921 02 30 10