Hardenbergstraße 33, Berlin-Charlottenburg
Much of the history of the Berlin University of the Arts took place right here.
Much of the history of the Berlin University of the Arts took place right here.
From the station Zoologischer Garten you can reach the library within five minutes.
1952 the master school for arts and crafts (Meisterschule für das Kunsthandwerk), a predecessor institution of the UdK Berlin, moved in here.
Formerly the UdK Berlin´s predecessor institution "Kunstschule zu Berlin" were at this site.
The Institute for Musik Therapy is –besides other institutions – at this site.
Here is an important studio of the College of Performing Arts located: the wardrobe.
The concert hall is an outstanding testimony of Berlin´s architectural culture of the fifties.
This building houses the rehearsal stages of the study programme Acting.
The Institute of Electronic Business e. V. ( IEB ) and the University of St. Gallen enable the transfer of the latest findings from applied research to the economy.
Here the Institute of Church Music can be found.
Once the Municipality Conservatory was at this location.
This building originally housed the University of Music (Hochschule für Musik).
In earlier times the master school for graphic art and book production (Meisterschule für Graphik und Buchgewerbe) had its location here.
As the venue of an institution where education in the various theatre-related professions takes center stage, it offers a unique experience for the theatre-goer.
The Dance Academy (Tanzakademie) is located here.
The HZT is located at the Uferstudios in Berlin Wedding. Thus providing an umbrella for education, professional artistic production and dissemination, which facilitates the exchange between artists, students and the public, at one location.
Sauen, home of only 120 people, is located 80 km southeast of Berlin and surrounded by deep forests. The name of the 1346 first mentioned road village comes from "sowa", the Slavic name for owl.