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UdK publications, dissertations, publish online
Check which publications have published by the UdK, how to order them. Read about the publishing policy or inform yourself how to publish your dissertation online.
Welcome to the Library of the Berlin University of Arts!
Check which publications have published by the UdK, how to order them. Read about the publishing policy or inform yourself how to publish your dissertation online.
Would you like to visit the library or contact us? Here you find the corresponding information.
Find out more about retrieval possibilities.
NFDI4Culture is a consortium for open research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage. The UdK Berlin is calling for participation. What does openness mean in the Arts?
Read here more about Open Access at UdK and the services of our library.
During a guided tour, you get answers to the most important questions about the library. We also offer guided tours where you will be introduced to the practice by means of research exercises. (further information currently available in German only)
On this page you learn more about the Media Library which provides you with rare books, CDs, records, DVDs, videos and Blu-ray discs. You can also listen to and view or play the content on site.
List of online databases licensed by the UdK.
On the following page you can find out who is responsible for which area within the library and who is available to answer your questions.
Information about the lending procedure, reservations, reminders, work areas and equipment within the library, the media library, semester equipment and various services.
On the following pages you will find information about the University library, its history, building, job vacancies and contact details.