Health insurance
The insurance status must be clarified before enrolling at a German university. Regardless of whether you have statutory, voluntary statutory or private insurance - the university requires a digital / electronic notification of your status via a German statutory health insurance fund (SMV notification).
Company number and university number of the UdK Berlin
Company number UdK Berlin: 90 60 48 67
University number of the UdK Berlin: H000 1988
Legal basis - Student health insurance
- According to § 5 Para. 1 No. 9 SGB V, students who are enrolled at state or state-recognised universities in the Federal Republic of Germany are required to have health insurance with a statutory health insurance company.
- This also applies to students who have their domicile or usual place of residence abroad if there is no entitlement to benefits in kind under supranational or inter-state law.
- The insurance obligation exists until completion of the 14th semester, at the longest until the end of the semester in which the 30th year of life is reached.
- Enrolment is not possible without proof of health insurance!
Registration with the health insurance company
- Since 01.01.2022, health insurance companies and universities have been obliged to make health insurance notifications available digitally.
- All prospective students must contact the relevant health insurance company before enrolment in order to trigger a digital insurance notification (M10). The health insurance company then notifies the university digitally that insurance is in place or that someone is not subject to compulsory insurance or has been exempted from compulsory insurance. The electronic notification of the health insurance company must not be more than 2 months old - in relation to the enrolment date.
- Within the framework of online enrolment, prospective students then only have to enter their insurance status and, if they are subject to compulsory insurance, their health insurance number and the company number of the health insurance fund.
- It is not sufficient to submit a copy of the insurance card or a membership certificate!
Statutory health insurance
- Prospective students must apply for the digital insurance registration required for enrolment at the health insurance fund with which they are insured or are expected to be insured as a member or family member at the start of their studies. The health insurance company will then automatically forward this notification to the university.
- Prospective students who wish to be exempted from compulsory insurance (e.g. due to private insurance) must also apply to a statutory health insurance fund for a corresponding digital notification (exempt from insurance or exempted).
Exemption from compulsory insurance / Private health insurances
- If prospective students have private health insurance and wish to remain in private health insurance during their studies, they must apply for exemption from compulsory health insurance.
- To do this, prospective students should contact any statutory health insurance company, which will then issue an exemption from compulsory insurance after checking and then forward a digital insurance notification to the university. Proof in paper or card form is not sufficient.
- The insurance benefits must correspond to the minimum benefits of a German statutory health insurance.
German statutory health insurance covers full psychotherapy (cognitive behavioral, analytic, psychodynamic and systemic therapy). However, private health insurances usually do not cover this. Please bear this in mind when choosing a health insurance provider.
Students from EU, EEA countries or agreement countries
(Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey)
- In the case of membership of a health insurance fund within the EU (European Health Insurance Card / EHIC) or Great Britain (GHIC) or an agreement state, prospective students must register with a German health insurance fund, which in turn sends a digital insurance notification to the university that they are not subject to compulsory insurance. Proof in paper or card form is not sufficient.
- Non-EU citizens must take out health insurance valid in Germany during their stay in Germany.
- Procedure: Prospective students send a copy of their identity card, the letter of admission (for exchange students: Congratulation-Mail) as well as the EHIC/GHIC or a certificate of entitlement (E-111, AT11, ATN11 or BH6 form) by e-mail before enrolment to a health insurance company of their choice with a request for exemption. The health insurance company checks the insurance status and notifies the university of the exemption.
Persons over 30 years of age and doctoral students
- If you have already reached the age of 30 by the time you start your studies, you are no longer required to be insured under the statutory health and long-term care insurance as a student. This means that exemption is no longer possible.
- We do not require any further proof of health insurance / insurance status.
- Please note: In Germany, there is an insurance obligation according to which one has to be insured legally, voluntarily legally or privately.
Change of health insurance fund
- If students change health insurance companies, the change is also transmitted digitally from the new health insurance company to the university (M11). Students do not have to submit new paper insurance certificates to the university.
- If you have a private insurance and want to change to the statutory health insurance, you must submit the application to a statutory health insurance within a period of 3 months after the start of your studies! After this deadline, it is no longer possible to change to a statutory health insurance fund. Further information on this can be obtained from any statutory health insurance fund.
Late payment of health insurance contributions
- Bei einem Zahlungsverzug wird von den Krankenkassen automatische eine Meldung an die Hochschulen übermittelt (M12). Die Hochschule muss dann eine Rückmelde-Sperre für das folgende Semester setzen. Diese kann im Campusmanagementportal my.udk eingesehen werden.
- Sobald die Begleichung des Zahlungsverzuges der Hochschule gemeldet wird (M13), wird die Sperre entfernt werden.
Reporting obligations of the universities
- The higher education institution automatically notifies the health insurance funds of the start of studies, including the beginning of the semester and the day of enrolment (M20), as well as the end of studies with the day of exmatriculation (M30).
List of statutory health insurance companies/insurers
Liste der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen/-kassen
University Service of the AOK Nordost
Contact person
Ulrike Simon-Mauersberger
AOK Nordost. Die Gesundheitskasse.
e-mail: Ulrike.Simon-Mauersberger
phone: 0800 265080-26475* or 0049 331 2772-1111**
Digital contact:
* Free of charge from German landlines and mobile phones
** outside from Germany: individual costs for international calling
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"Jobben im Studium" 13 November 2024 03.00 p.m. (MEZ)
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University Service of the Barmer
Contact person
Sophia Aru
Student Onboarding Expert
BARMER Student & University HUB
Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Kurfürstenstr. 84
10787 Berlin
phone 0800 333004 101-242
Mobil 0160 90456773
Barmer Campus Coach - Healthy through your studies
All content is specifically customised to your everyday student life. In addition to free access to 7Mind Study, you have the opportunity to take part in (digital) online events with experts and inspiring speakers. You will also find exciting articles on the topics of mental health, food & fitness, social stuff and the Study Survival Guide on the BARMER Campus Coach platform. All content and offers are specially adapted to the needs and life situation of students and can be easily integrated into everyday life - completely free of charge and independent of your health insurance.
University Service of the KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse
Contact person
Nicolas Schmidt
Studierenden-Servicepoint - Charlottenstr. 63, 10117 Berlin
Office 030 7261 0372 807
Mobil 0160 96958672
University Service of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)
Beate Nietsch
Techniker Krankenkasse
Postfach 02 99 20
E-Mail Beate.Nietsch
Tel. 040 - 460 65 10 37 26
"Well prepared for your studies – Health insurance in Germany" - Click here to register for the webinar: Registration for the info session
The events will take place every two weeks from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. CET (German time).