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Workshop: Rimini Protokoll

source: Miriam Frandsen

Course Description

September 8-15, 2024
Rimini Protokoll – 24 TIMELINES PERFORMING

Daniel Wetzel

A grid of 24 headphones/speakers, distributed all over the place and wherever we want them, forms the space in and on which we will work – fused by 24 simultaneous audio tracks that we will design together in the workshop: 24 tracks that delegate actions, provide countdowns and instructions - for instruments, objects and props that we invent, design and build for these positions. Actions and sounds intervene. A collective process of interactive composing and conducting begins.

This workshop is for all artists who are interested in developing their own material in collaboration and coordination with others.

Course language: English

With: Daniel Wetzel
Host: Alberto de Campo
Assistance: Saemi Jeong and Marina Lukashevich


Sign up for this workshop HERE.

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