„Talking about a Revolution“*: How social movements change the world
Prof. Dr. Natasha A. Kelly
“Talking about a Revolution”*: How social movements change the world
Introductory lecture, German, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS
Tuesdays, 6-8 p.m., weekly from October 22, 2024, Hardenbergstr. 33, Room 158
stream: https://stream.udk-berlin.de/w/7HVXJQ4xBqmPZKxGWYLhJF
Registration on Moodle begins on October 14, 2024:
Moodle registration key: revolution
Social movements are key drivers of cultural change that often have subtle but profound effects on society. From humanism to Afrofuturism, in this lecture series we take an intellectual journey through the cultural revolutions of the past, present and future and explore how they have had a lasting impact on our societies, ways of life and perspectives on the world. Through an intersectional lens, we look at jazz, hip hop and punk, industrialization, globalization and digitization, as well as the women's, civil rights and climate movements and many more as "tipping points" that have shaped 'new' cultural norms, values and identities and continue to influence how we live, love, work and think to this day. This lecture series is aimed at everyone who wants to understand and help shape the diverse social changes of our time.
Recommended literature:
Ta-Nehisi Coates (2017): Between the World and Me
Specific performance requirements for the ungraded certificate: regular participation (reading, asking questions, understanding) and self-reflection, regular small homework/feedback on each session.
In the winter semester 2023/24, Natasha A. Kelly took up a three-year visiting professorship for cultural studies in the Studium Generale at the UdK Berlin. She is a communications scientist and sociologist, author and editor, curator and multimedia artist with a focus on Black German history, Black feminism and Afrofuturism. Dr. Kelly has taught and researched at numerous national and international universities, including Max Kade Visiting Professor for German Studies at the University of Rhodes Island (USA) and Visiting Professor for Media Studies at the University of Tübingen. Her artistic works have been shown at the Berlin Biennale, the German Historical Museum and the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin, among others. As chairwoman of the non-profit association Black German Arts and Culture e.V., she is the artistic and scientific director of the first institute for Black German art, culture and its sciences in Germany. She is also co-director of the pan-European network Black European Academic Network (BEAN) and a founding member of the globall collective Black Speculative Arts Movement (BSAM). Her most recent publication, "Black. German. Woman. Why feminism must demand more than gender equality," was published by Piper Verlag in August 2023. More information about her can be found on her homepage http://www.natashaakelly.com.