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Program on November 25, 2022:

Which paths lead to the big stages? What freelance alternatives are there after graduating from UdK Berlin, apart from full-time engagements? How can artistic independence as a musician be organised and which contact points are helpful?

25. November, 14:15 - 17:30 h: 
Talks with Gespräche mit Irini Amargianaki, Dr. Simone Heilgendorff und Prof. Harry Curtis.

Short Bios:

Prof. Harry Curtis, Dirigent, künstlerische Lehrkraft

Irini Amargianaki, UdK Absolventin,Komponistin, Oud-Spielerin, Musikpädagogin

Dr. habil Simone Heilgendorff, Violinistin, Mit-Gründerin Kairos Quartett, Musikwissenschaftlerin u.a. am M.A.-Studiengang Sound Studies UdK Berlin