Rehearsal schedule, information, certificates
Orchestral Duties
Every Bachelor-/Masters-student with the major “Orchesterinstrumente“ or “Orchestermusiker“ at the UdK Berlin is required to play in the orchestra 6 SWS (six hours per week, every week of each semester). This totals approx. 25 three hour rehearsals, concerts or “services” per semester. This also affects students on an ERASMUS exchange.
Orchestral playing is divided in two categories:
1. Hochschulorchester (symphony orchestra concert and repertoire phases, opera projects)
2. Larger ensembles (e.g. string orchestra, chamber orchestra)
The required orchestral playing time is condensed into intensive project phases. Students are expected to carefully prepare their individual parts before the first rehearsal. Music will be available in the orchestral office (Fa room 211) three weeks before the beginning of the rehearsal period.
Students in “Zusatzstudium“ are required to play one symphony concert or opera per year.
Each student is expected to stay in contact with the orchestral office (Orchesterbüro), and to inform themselves about upcoming projects by regularly checking the bulletin boards in Fasanenstraße or Bundesallee building. Rehearsal plans, seating lists etc. will be posted well before projects commence.
Placement and Attendance
The placement for each orchestra project is organized by the orchestra management. If a student cannot take part in a project for special reasons, the orchestra management must be informed in time. The placement takes place at the end of the preceding term. Afterwards a withdrawal is possible only in exeptional cases. In either case the student must attend to a substitute. All string students are required to register their placement for the coming semester with the Orchesterbüro before the end of the current semester.
The placement of wind players is determined by the teachers at the beginning of every semester.
Students taking part in a project must attend in the rehearsal room ten minutes before the rehearsal begins. Tuning begins five minutes before the provided rehearsal time. Attendance will be checked by a representative from the orchestral office. The students themselves are responsible for ensuring that they have been marked as present.
Exemption from Orchestral Duties
Students may apply for exemption from orchestral playing when meeting one of the following requirements:
• permanent position in a professional orchestra
• Praktikant position in a professional orchestra
The student must complete an orchestra exemption form (available from the stage manager, and in the orchestral office) in order to be excused from orchestral duties. Students with a permanent or Praktikant position are required to participate in a minimum of one repertoire phase per semester. The schedule for the upcoming semester is posted as early as possible on the orchestra bulletin boards. Serving as “Aushilfe“ in a professional orchestra does not excuse oneself from any project.
When the student is unavailable to attend orchestra due to a professional engagement on short notice, scheduled concert or a competition, an “Urlaub” (leave of absence) form must be completed. This granted leave of absence does not free the student of orchestral duties, and the missed time must be made up for as soon as possible (in the following semester at the latest).
When the student is absent due to sickness, they are required to present a doctor´s confirmation of illness. In the case of sudden sickness, the student must contact the Orchesterbüro by telephone at the latest one hour before the rehearsal begins. The answering machine is available if no one is able to take your call.
When unable to attend one particular orchestral service because of another playing commitment (solo performance, competition), an “Antrag auf Befreiung von einer Probe” (leave of absence from a single rehearsal) form must be completed in order to recognize this as a valid exemption from orchestral duty.
After completition of an orchestral project, a certificate of participation (“Testat”) can be obtained from the orchestral office. In the case of frequent absence during a project, the respective phase of work will not be recognized and the student will be informed by the orchestral office.
To register for the Bachelor or Master exam, the student is required to present a certificate of all completed projects (“Gesamt-Testat”) which can be obtained from the orchestral office once the necessary number of completed projects is achieved. If, at the time of registration, compulsory participation in orchestral projects has not been fullfilled, Bachelor or Master exams will, according to §7 of the examination regulations, be assessed as a fail. In this case, the examina
tion committee will provide a new date to take the exam. In order to be permitted for examination however, the deficit in participation in orchestral projects must be made up until the new date. If the student fails the repeated Bachelor or Master examination, he/she will be withdrawn from the University register.
Rehearsal Spaces
Rehearsals and concerts usually take place in the Concert Hall Hardenbergstraße (KoSa Ha, entrance on Fasanenstraße). The warm-up room is located backstage.
Rehearsals, particularly sectionals, can take place in the Joseph-Joachim-Konzertsaal Bundesallee (KoSa Bu) or in the small recital hall (Kleiner Vortragssaal, KlVs Bu) Bundesallee.
Orchestra Managers
Tom Pielucha
Fasanenstraße 1B, Raum 211
Tel. 3185 - 2367
Fax: 3185 - 162 795
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm and after consultation
An orchestra committee, consisting of four students, will be elected at the beginning of the winter semester. Théy will hold their position for one year (two semesters).
The orchestra committee represents the orchestra´s interests at the meetings of the Institutsrat (meeting of representatives of the faculty of music). In addition they act as contact person for the musicians.
Current Members are:
Xixi Gabel – Violin
Clara Egelhuber – Cello
Jona Mehlitz – Flute
Thomas Mittler – Horn
You can contact the committee via orchestervorstand .