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Seongwon Park

Haus von Jemandem, 2024, MDF Platten, Holzlatten, Stoffe, LED Lampe, Acrylplatten, Pappe, Epoxidharz, 280 x 230 x 100 cm

 source: Seongwon Park

Seitenblicke, 2024, MDF Platten, Holzlatten, Stoffe, Kleidungen, Schuhen, LED Lampe, Acrylplatten, 120 x 150 x 50 cm / Boden 220 x 150 cm

 source: Seongwon Park

Augenpaar des Fensters, 2024, MDF Platten, Holzlatten, Pappe, Acryl Platten, Beton, Jalousie, Stoffe, 140 x 160 x 25 cm

 source: Seongwon Park

Anpassung , 2023, Beton, Stahl, Epoxidharz, Vogelabwehr, 80 x 25 x 25 cm

 source: Seongwon Park

For Seongwon Park, the exhibition space can be thought of as a stage. A stage that mimics realities and on which the viewers move. Her works themselves can only be viewed and refuse the use to which their appearance is usually put.

She treats her works as a means of highlighting that which is contained in the everyday visible but remains invisible. In the sense of the instinctive psychology of which Rene Magritte spoke: “People want to see what is hidden behind what they see”.

Instead of recreating reality as perfectly as possible, she focuses on personal aspects of her memory, in particular on expressing the psychological distance to certain places - a feeling of being a stranger, of passive observation. Entrances without a way in, partial situations where the whole remains hidden from the viewer – permeable boundaries to an interior that (like society) cannot be entered by outsiders – these situations are depicted in her works.

Completing the interior or hidden remains solely up to the viewer. Ironically, in this way, his once passive, observing attitude is transformed into an active one.