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Louisa Boeszoermeny

Bruder, 2023-2024, Gabriel (Hand), digitale Ausbelichtung, 100 x 66 cm

 source: Louisa Boeszoermeny

Bruder, 2023-2024, Jérôme, analoger C-Print, 80 x 100 cm

 source: Louisa Boeszoermeny

Bruder, 2023-2024, Terence, analoger C-Print, 100 x 80 cm

 source: Louisa Boeszoermeny

Ausstellungsansicht Bruder, Absolvent*innenausstellung Rundgang, UdK 2024, analoge C-Prints, rahmenlose Bildhalter, Schwerlastregale, Schalungsholz, Kunstlerinnenkatalog

 source: Louisa Boeszoermeny

In her artistic practice which mainly encompasses photography and film, recurring themes are the construction and technologies of identity, especially in relation to gender and the control of bodies, the entanglement of masculinity and violence and the expectations towards female and queer bodies. In doing so, she examines power relations and works with an awareness of the mechanisms of oppression inherent in camera-based processes and their history.

In her photographic works, she often juxtaposes post-documentary photographs with staged images in order to question the reliability of the medium in terms of its evidential power and its reality-constituting character. The artist also has a great interest in bringing the unknown and inner dispositions into an aesthetically comprehensible form.

Her portrait works feature subtle contextual details and depict what is intrinsic to those photographed, while at the same time opening up to universal states.

In her still photographs, she explores the fetishistic qualities of certain objects and the ability of photography to amplify them. In this way, she repeatedly approaches the human body, which forms a significant part of her work and is always placed in relation to the fleeting nature of identity and its performative character.