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Jeanna Kolesova

Jeanna Kolesova: "Memory is an Animal which Barks with Various Mouths", Video installation, 2-channel film, sound, 15'26'', 32:9, b&w, English&Russian, English&German subtitles, 16 hand-dyed fabrics, hand embroidery, carpets, 2023,

 source: Jeanna Kolesova

Jeanna Kolesova: "Memory is an Animal which Barks with Various Mouths", Video installation, Film still,

 source: Jeanna Kolesova

Jeanna Kolesova: "Narbe//Scar", Video installation, 2-channel 3D animation, no sound, 02'38'', 9:16, b&w,

 source: Jeanna Kolesova

Jeanna Kolesova: "Narbe//Scar", Video installation, Film still,

 source: Jeanna Kolesova

Jeanna Kolesova's work revolves around this one question: Can boundless, uncontrollable fear be overcome, especially when it spans generations and encompasses concerns for life, mental health, and the future? The fear of a repressive state, like the Russian system, persists despite various coping tactics.

Jeanna Kolesova’s Work “Memory is an animal which barks with various mouths” touches on the topic of collective memory in Russia related to the Second World War and how it was manipulated to form national narratives. Kolesova identifies personal experiences and memories that intersect with those of society to combine the individual and public spheres. Public commemoration, the aggressive patriotic upbringing of children, the cult of state power, and the cult of victory form a war-oriented identity. In contrast, the individual memory about the Second World War among those who experienced it instead reflects on the violent, destructive, and tragic side. Jeanna Kolesova identifies algorithms of violence and memory manipulation. By highlighting gaps between individual and collective memory it is the artist’s aim to demythologize the past.


Instagram: levokaso