Structure and contact
You can help to shape the Berlin University of the Arts Foundation – we would appreciate your involvement. You can register for the newsletter here or contact us directly.
In order to ensure that art and research have the spaces they require to flourish, you can donate to maintain or modernise buildings at the Berlin University of the Arts, some of which are heritage-protected buildings. In recent years, donations have been used to finance part of the renovation work on the Berlin University of the Arts theatre, UNI.T, and also some of the seating in the event halls.
Of course, you can also donate your property assets to the Berlin University of the Arts Foundation. We can decide together whether your property should be permanently managed, rented out or sold, in order to use the proceeds to help achieve the foundation’s goals. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Last but not least, we are always interested in exciting and unusual places in and around Berlin that can be made available to the Berlin University of the Arts for exhibitions, concerts and a wide variety of artistic projects – for a week, a month or a much longer period of time. For this we will put you in touch with our teaching staff and students to show you which interesting projects we have already realised with creative energy and which projects we could potentially realise at your location.
You can help to shape the Berlin University of the Arts Foundation – we would appreciate your involvement. You can register for the newsletter here or contact us directly.
The generous support of donors makes it possible to award especially talented students with prizes and scholarships.
The Berlin University of the Arts views itself as a dynamic place for artistic education as well as excellent practice and research.